The 5 Essential Character Traits Necessary to be a Successful Psychic

Andrew Bassano Brewer
5 min readApr 9, 2022
This was Me on “Kebrina’s Psychic Answer” (1992); © Andrew Brewer

I have been a psychic on TV, was the featured clairvoyant on a nationally syndicated infomercial that made over $150 Million, been a psychic on the radio (over 2000 times), been a psychic who’s written books (4 Times a “Best Seller” on Amazon), been written about in newspapers and magazines

. . . and am, as we speak, the #1 Ranked Writer on Medium in the topic Psychic (as well as #1 in Reincarnation, Karma, Soulmates, and Twin Flames) and am a “Top Writer” currently in the Top Ten in Advice, Ideas, and Love and am a Top Writer, too, in Life Lessons (and I only started writing on Medium last August)

a mouthful right ??

being a psychic is a really “interesting” job, not for the meek, either . . . and not something just everyone can do . . . even if they’re psychic as all get out

there are personality traits that go along with being successful in any field, of course, but in this particular field, these 5 characteristics are ESSENTIAL

if you want to make this a #career

#1: Humility

I realize to some this may seem kind of funny coming from me, as I have a reputation as being kind of a cocky dude, not shy about saying what I think nor shy in reminding people about things I had…



Andrew Bassano Brewer

Clairvoyant, film actor, unicorns playmate -- also voted "One of the Top 50 Psychics in the World" . . .