The Vegan Domino Effect — Part 1

Going vegan can open the door to more positive lifestyle choices for those willing to adopt it as a way of living. Here is part 1 of the lifestyle changes I’ve realised so far.

Andrew Miles
4 min readAug 18, 2018

The Domino Effect

Going vegan has been the biggest and most positive change in my life to date. It’s a decision that has opened the door to numerous other positive changes in my life. The shift in focus to a healthier and more harm free lifestyle seems to have promoted other positive lifestyle habits too.

Veganism can open the door to all manner of positive lifestyle changes

Willingness to Change

I’ve always been a firm believer in personal change. If you are not happy with an aspect of your life then change it. This is what inspired me to quit my job at 20 years old to go to university. It’s what inspired me to quit my job again at 27 years old to go travel around Asia and leave my comfortable life in England behind. It’s what inspires me to stay out in Asia to work, travel and explore and why I have no plans to go home anytime soon.

Once you are willing to change with a desire to grow and the ability to accept new experiences then the resources you need to develop yourself gradually fall into place. When I talk about growth, I am talking about personal growth…

