Use a builder broker for your new home construction

Andrew Rowling
2 min readAug 20, 2016


Builder Broker

People wanting to build their own home usually engage a builder. The problem is choosing a quality builder who provide a good competitive price is not an easy task unless you are a professional that deals with builders on a daily basis. Often clients engaging a builder find it very “hit or miss”.

Many clients engage a builder based on a cheap quote, great sales person’s pitch, references that the builder themselves has provided or a recommendation from friends or family, only to be disappointed with the results.

Many experience costly, drawn out delays or find that what has been built does not meet their needs.

This is why using a builder broker like Local Builders can take the risk out of building your new home. We do all of the checks and pre-approve the builders to ensure that you are getting a reliable and quality builder. We also go through the build quote to make sure that everything is included. Many builders provide cheap quotes because they make a lot of extra profit from you paying for the extras that are not included in the quote. We can make sure that your quote is comprehensive so you know what you are going to get and it is fully comprehensive!

Contact us today to see what we can do for you!

The post Why use a builder broker for your new home construction? appeared first on Local Builders.





Andrew Rowling

Hello I am Andrew Rowling I am from Melbourne, Australia I have been in the construction business for 7 yrs and enjoy making beautiful commercial properties?