Relé 1.0.0 🚀

Andrew Graham-Yooll
1 min readSep 28, 2020


Relé: Easy to use Google Pub/Sub

Mercadona Tech is excited to announce the release of Relé 1.0.0!

About a year ago we open sourced our Python tool to manage publishing and subscribing to Google PubSub topics. After lots of bug fixes, enhancements, and usage in a highly scalable production environment, we are confident that this tool is ready for widespread release to the community.

Meant to ease the workflow with Google Cloud’s Python client in production environments, Relé comes out-of-the-box with key components to managing a project with a PubSub model.

As a vital piece of infrastructure at Mercadona Tech, we lean on Relé to publish and subscribe to millions of PubSub messages, allowing our services and products to scale with ease.

Show me the data!

In the last 30 days we have:

  • Published 20 million+ messages
  • Consumed 125 million+ messages
  • managed 120+ topics and 300+ subscribers

And it’s growing every day!

Easy to Use

Relé includes:

  • Intuitive publishing API
  • Highly scalable worker
  • Subscription management
  • Extensible middleware
  • Ready to go Django and Flask integration
  • CLI with powerful auto-discovery of subscriptions
  • And much more!

If you would like to learn more about why we built this, please read our previous announcement here.

Additionally, you can check out our code and docs.

