Tips for Making Collage Art

Andrew Haag
1 min readFeb 3, 2022


During the 20th century, collage became a massively popular medium for many artists. Anyone can learn how to create beautiful works of art with this fun and expressive medium. Andrew Haag, photographer and mixed media artist, shares his advice for getting started with collage.

Andrew Haag Collage Art Tips
Photo by George Milton

Collage does not have to be an expensive practice. All you need to start out with is backing (such as paper or wooden board), adhesive, and source materials. Your source materials could be anything. The usual go-to is magazine cut-outs, but you can get really creative with this. Go to your local thrift store and search for old books, postcards, photographs, or anything else. Let your imagination run wild with this. Make sure to have scissors or a craft knife on hand as well.

When it comes to making the piece, it is a good idea to arrange your composition before you actually glue it down. For inspiration for your project, you can check out the work of artists such as Hannah Hoch, John Stezaker, or Nancy Spero.



Andrew Haag

Andrew Haag is a Photographer and Mixed-Media Artist with a passion for collaborating and sharing with other creators.