Andrew Haeg
1 min readOct 16, 2017


I have many thoughts on the subject — but for the sake of time & brevity, I think it would be extremely valuable to develop a shared service available to media / news entrepreneurs whereby they could get help setting up the nuts and bolts of a business: A solid website, a CRM, legal help with corporate / nonprofit entity set-up, branding, a simple marketing engine, a pitch deck, market-sizing research, a simple business plan, and maybe a few other things. I spent way too long reinventing each of these wheels, and had I had access to these services I would have saved a lot of time and money. I think these are actually some of of the biggest obstacles to setting out on an entrepreneurial course, and are (in the scheme of things) easy things to do.



Andrew Haeg

Founder, GroundSource @groundsource. Crowdsourcing pioneer, design thinker, husband, father.