The Ultimate List of Lists

Andrew James
4 min readMay 1, 2016


It’s very clear to me that humans on the internet love lists.

I figured I would make it medium post that is an ever-changing ever updating ever improving list, of lists.

Yes, many of the lists or items on them are “my own” yet as you’ll see… I think we love lists because little is 100% ours.

Hopefully you find someone here useful…

NOTE: Medium is meant to be somewhat collaborative, feel free to post, suggest and add to lists in comments, there’s no way I’ll get everything

#1: A list of reasons why we love lists: click here

Also, a cool funny guy you may remember from the office, B.J. Novak actually bet a lot of his future on us loving lists, and has launched a tech company called click here to get the app

#2: Lists of and about books and reading: click here

The whole idea for this post started with me wanting to better figure out and integrate writing and publishing with reading, learning, and consuming knowledge. So I thought, I’ll make a reading list. Then I thought, there’s a lot of reading lists out there, why not make a reading list of reading lists, including my own. Each book on my list has my eventual review. The idea being, often times, we tell someone… “dude, you gotta read this book…” or “I can’t believe you’ve never read, heard, watched _________ (fill in the blank)” or “anyone who wants to ______ has to read __________.” Best of all, “any serious __________ will have read ______ 100 times…”

Lastly, often times when I get going with a good relationship with anyone, be it client, friend, employee or whatever, they ask me for reading lists. I figured, I’d make one, so here’s the ultimate reading list: click here

#3: My Ultimate List of Products, Apps, and Services That Can Help Anyone Do Anything…

coming soon…

#4: A List of Recipes Lists

coming soon…

#5: A List of Restaurants and Restaurant lists

coming soon…

#6: Lists of Stuff To Do, now, later, and before you die

coming soon…

#7: The Ultimate Travel List(s)

coming soon…

#8: The Ultimate Packing List(s)

coming soon…

#9: The Skills List(s)

coming soon…

#10: All The Other Lists, Including Buzz Feed, and other content sites “FishBone Posts”

coming soon…

#11: A List of Workouts, work out books, and workout lists: click here

… most of it coming soon, but this looked cool, inspired adding this list and is something that works great. Also, seems to be a site, mostly about lists of workouts, so maybe the real list coming in the future, isn’t necessary.

#12: the goals lists

#13: The Values Lists (both corporate/ team and personal listed here)

Most great organizations and people have guiding core values. The difference between a value and goal, objective, or opportunity is that values are never done. For example Nike will always value competition above all else, and you’re never done. However, there was a point in their history where all of their energy was directed to the BHAG (big hairy audacious goal) of crushing adidas.

An Olympian probably has a core value of discipline or hard work or one of my favorites, the NFL player’s rule: “Don’t let the ball touch the ground.” In his house and probably his grand children’s homes, it’s never going to be ok, to let the ball hit the ground. Click here to watch the story. Winning the super bowl or playing in a starting position or making it to a certain income level is a goal not a value.

I take time to explain here, because there are few higher leverage things anyone or any company can do than really examine and declare core values.

#14: The affirmations lists


My list of possible lists to add to The Ultimate List of Lists, List:

  1. The Ultimate list of lists of podcasts
  2. The Ultimate list of lists from Product Hunt
  3. The Ultimate list of lists from the Zapier Blog
  4. The Ultimate list of lists from Reddit
  5. The Ultimate list of things recommended by Tim Ferris
  6. The Ultimate list of things recommended by Kevin Rose
  7. The Ultimate list of lists of BioHackers, and their advice
  8. The Ultimate Health List
  9. The Ultimate Movies List
  10. The Ultimate TV shows list
  11. The Ultimate list of documentaries
  12. The ultimate list of lists of quotes
  13. Top 100 greatest sales quotes of all time
  14. Top 100 entrepreneur quotes of all time
  15. The Ultimate List of Parenting advice
  16. The Ultimate list of lists of advice
  17. The Ultimate list of lists of advice to teenagers
  18. The Ultimate list of lists of advice to boys
  19. The Ultimate list of lists of advice to girls
  20. The Ultimate list of lists of Rankings of everything

