This is the End

Follow up to Xbox saga and dealing with Microsoft Store.

Andrew Brodsky
3 min readApr 5, 2014

This is a follow up to my post, “Good Service, Bad Service, Good Service.” If you haven’t already read the previous post here is an ultra brief recap:

Had an issue with my Xbox, and brought it to a Microsoft Store where the saga began.

Yesterday when I left my new Xbox with Nick at 10:30 AM EST he said that he would give me a call later on to tell me what is going on and if I would be able to pick it up that evening or it might be Friday. After not hearing from him all day I decided to call the store at 5:18 PM EST

Me: “Hi, this is Andrew B. I am trying to find out the status of my Xbox”
MS Associate: “Sure, what’s your name?”
Me: “Andrew B.”
MS Associate: “Your Xbox was broken so we are giving you a new Xbox you can come in any time and pick it up.”
Me: “Right we already did that. My Xbox was in today so that the content could be transferred from the old Xbox to the replacement Xbox.”
MS Associate: “Oh let me check on that.”
A minute or so pass and the associate returns.
MS Associate: “Nick has left for the day. I will have to have some one call you back.”

That call never came. I decided to call again this morning to check. Surely they would have an answer for me today at 10:27 AM EST.

Me: “Hi, this is Andrew B... I am trying to find out the status of my Xbox”
MS Associate: “Sure, what’s your name?”
Me: “Andrew B…”
MS Associate: “Hold on please while I check on that for you.”
A minute goes by and the associate returns.
MS Associate: “Nick is working on something right now, but he will give you a call shortly.”

1:30 PM EST: No call, three hours since I called
3:30 PM EST: No call, five house since I first called
3:45 PM EST: Since I have yet to hear back I decide I should call them back before I head over to see if I can pick it up for the weekend.

Me: “Hi Sonia, this is Andrew B. I am waiting for Nick to call me to find out the status of my Xbox”
MS Associate: “Yes, what is your last name?
Me: “B……
: “Things have been really crazy here today, but I was able to find the profiles and should have everything completed soon. We’ll just need you to sign in to finish it all up.”
Me: “I’ll be over very soon so I can sign in and complete all the transfer.”
Nick: “Ok. I won’t be here when you get here, but I’ll make sure they know what to do.”

Great, everything is all done and I can finally pick it up. After an hour more at the store with my “favorite associate Taki” I left with a working Xbox and everything back the way it should be.

Lessons Learned for Microsoft

  1. Hire people for customer facing jobs that can engage the customer and at least appear to be enthusiastic.
  2. Make sure that everyone is well trained. This includes products, policy, and customer service.
  3. If there is any doubt in the associates mind ask a supervisor.
  4. If you say you are going to follow up, follow up. I would rather hear that you haven’t started at all than have no clue for hours on end what is going on. This goes for everyone that has been involved @microsoftstore and the local store.

Lessons Learned for Me

  1. If the answers you get don’t seem right press it. Taki said the Xbox had no content, and Nick found the content. Taki said I had to buy a new warranty, and Nick said my warranty was still valid.
  2. Don’t wait for people to call you back. They might, but if you want answers follow up yourself.

Update: Read how the saga FINALLY ends here.



Andrew Brodsky

Lover of tech!!!! Geeky dad that fights to improve customer (dis)service! Obsessed with Syracuse sports, and connecting his offline with his online.