My first iPod and how it changed my views on brands and purchase decisions

Andrew Melder
2 min readMay 11, 2022


Photo by author

Given today’s announcement of the end of the iPod line of devices, I’ll share a story about my first iPod purchase and how it changed my view on brand perception and purchase decisions.

I disliked Apple with a passion at the time; some of which still rings true today. The way they seemed to take themselves too seriously and how some of the devoted saw its products as extensions of themselves instead of simply tools to use. Combined with seemingly looking down at all competing products as inferior really felt like unnecessary elitism to me.

Anyway like many at the time I was looking for a portable music player and immediately considered anything but the iPod. I had settled on a Creative Zen Vision M 30GB model. While thicker & slightly more expensive than the equivalent iPod, it was a good device.

By the time I decided to buy then track down a local retailer to purchase it from (difficult in Australia back then), Apple announced a refresh with a thinner, cheaper 80GB iPod Classic model.

This triggered a realisation for me: why am I ignoring a clearly better and cheaper product for my needs purely on my personal perception of a brand? I bought the iPod and enjoyed it immensely.

I still have a classic today (a different 30GB model pictured) but mainly for nostalgic reasons. The click wheel is still a delight to use.

Thanks for the good times and good music iPod!



Andrew Melder

Lucky husband, proud father, technology professional, gadget & photography enthusiast