Setting up Mixpanel in React

Andre Woons
2 min readOct 16, 2018


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At the time of writing there is no simple tutorial on how to integrate and use Mixpanel in React.

I found react-mixpanel, which uses React’s context API. However, using that requires you to pass the Mixpanel Consumer to props if you want to call Mixpanel out of render, which pollutes the code a bit too much for my liking. More importantly, you have to do a dev/prod check every time you track something.

What I ended up doing is much simpler, without having to worry about forgetting dev checks when calling track or identify.

We are going to be using Mixpanel’s official mixpanel-browser library and a small wrapper function.

Step 1: Install mixpanel-browser

Run npm install mixpanel-browser --save in your project folder.

Step 2: Create Mixpanel wrapper function

This wrapper function is what we’ll include in all our components if we want to call Mixpanel, e.g. during the onboarding process, when users are logging in and so on.

It doesn’t really matter where you place this, as long as it makes sense for your project structure. Here it is:


First, we are importing mixpanel-browser and initiating mixpanel by calling init with our token. Replace this token with your own token that you get from Mixpanel.

Next, we have a simple check called env_check. This simply checks if the environment we are running in, is the one we want. You probably only want to be tracking things in production.

Note: You can also change this to your own env variable, such as MIXPANEL_ACTIVE.

Then we have the actions object which is the wrapper around the Mixpanel actions. It just checks if env_check returns true, and if so, calls the Mixpanel function with the same parameters.

This little wrapper makes sure you don’t have to worry about calling Mixpanel in development and polluting your data, as env_check won’t pass.

Note: you can add other Mixpanel functions in there, such as opting out of data tracking

Step 3: Use it!

In every file or component you want to track something, include the file once:

import { Mixpanel } from './Mixpanel';

Now you can use it like you normally would. Example:


Hope it helps!



Andre Woons

Founder & CTO of Nivoda - the B2B marketplace for the jewellery industry.⚡️