The Crypto world is on fire

Andrew Rangel
7 min readJan 10, 2018

You may not realize it, but right now the Crypto world is burning. A wildfire of California proportions, yet there isn’t one central organization to put it out. Imagine if every time there were excitement around Apple Stock NASDAQ went down and had to halt trading. Some juicy news came out about a massive Intel bug and stock trades were delayed days. Even worse, you finally take the plunge and cash out your Facebook stock, only to not receive your money.

These things are happening at a global scale in the Crypto world. A brief intro for the uninitiated. There are many different CryptoCurrencies, in fact with a little bit of work you could create your own over a weekend. There are two general categories of Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin and Alt-coins. A hotly debated subject, but nevertheless anything that isn’t Bitcoin could be considered an “alternate” coin. Now in order to purchase a coin you need to go to an exchange. As you might have guessed, this is where you can exchange one currency for another. Some allow you to hook into a bank account or credit card and exchange for a wide variety of coins. Other exchanges only allow you to deposit cryptocurrency into a wallet that can be exchanged for another.

I am making some sweeping generalizations in this article, as one thing to realize is the rabbit hole of technicalities in crypto is very deep. Once you have money in an exchange you can buy coins using various forms of a “buy-order”. This is not an instant transaction, what you are doing is offering to buy the coin at a desired price. If…

