Andrew Rei
11 min readJul 21, 2018


I can explain why what happened, happened….

In order to fully and correctly explain it, “background”, or a look at this country’s political history, is needed.

Understand that the very first two political “parties”, as it was, in this country were the “Federalist” (Liberals and Progressives) and “Anti-Federalist” (PoliCons; political Conservatives) Parties. The Democratic-Republican Party rose out of a “coalition” of Federalists and more “Moderate” Anti-Federalists (today’s GOP Moderates and Progressives). But, in a problem that’s been a problem since world’s population was enough to require political “rule”, those PoliCons took over the Democratic-Republican Party and crowded out the Liberals, Progressives and the Moderate Anti-Federalists plus, they dropped the “Republican” part of the name.

The non-PoliCons then had to found a party that, they hoped, would not be infiltrated by PoliCons. Alas, they founded that party: the Whigs. But, by the 1840’s, the PoliCons had infiltrated that party, as well. As a matter of fact, the only Whig to be elected President, John Tyler in 1848, was a PoliCon. Tyler’s election, which much resembles the “election” of our current “president”, once again sent the Liberals and Progressives scrambling for another party, even if they had to found another one, where the PoliCons would leave them be. And….

That’s when the Republican Party was founded in 1854 by a group of Whigs, chief among them a man named Abraham Lincoln. All manner of non-PoliCons flocked to the party, especially minorities and anti-slavery activists. The GOP had its first presidential candidate in 1856. As you can probably guess, the biggest political problem at the time was slavery. The GOP’s membership skyrocketed quickly, especially in the states that would become “the North” in the Civil War, but I’m getting ahead of myself a bit here. The states in the South that’d eventually become the CSA (Confederate States of America), were run by PoliCon Democrats. Because PoliConism and Authoritarianism are mirror images of one another, the Democrats’ stance at the time was that it was legal to own slaves.

However, what began to happen was that the GOP began to amass more political power quickly due to the fact that the population of the North was growing much faster than in the South. Of course, the PoliCons hated that; one of the principles of PoliConism is to rule their countries as a minority and, because of the GOP, they were becoming that minority quickly. Here’s where “regionalism” came in. The PoliCons decided that what SHOULD happen is that they should be allowed to be “autonomous” from the North; after all, at the time, the 13th and 14th amendments didn’t exist. While the Democrats/PoliCons took the cynical view that there weren’t any laws that banned slavery, the GOP knew that, on technical grounds, the PoliCons were correct.

The PoliCons operated (and many still do) on a gross misinterpretation of the 10th Amendment, which truly states that subjects not covered by the Constitution fall to the states or “to the people”. Their misinterpretation of it stated (and still does among the “Tenthers”) that the states had ultimate power over themselves and that Federal government had little or no power, which is a situation that truly existed in this country from the Declaration of Independence until 1789, when the ninth state ratified the US Constitution. What came with the Declaration were the disastrous “Articles of Confederation” (AOC), which gave the states nearly all of the political power and established a weak Federal government. The Anti-Federalists/PoliCons loved the AOC but, at the Constitutional Convention that began in 1787, they found that they were badly outnumbered by the Federalists. That meant that all attempts by the anti-Federalists to make the Constitution similar to the AOC were shot down by the Convention. That caused 13 of the 56 delegates to the Convention to leave in a huff before it ended and another three to stay until the end but refuse to sign it.

Eventually, “the South” decided to wage war against the North by taking over Federal forts that were in “their” area, the areas that would become members of the CSA. To protest Lincoln’s inauguration as President in 1861, seven states tried to illegally secede from the Union and, several months later, four more states joined them. Hostilities in the Civil War began in April 1861 and it would be nearly four years later (three days short of it) before Robert E. Lee effectively surrendered. Five days after Lee surrendered, Lincoln was assassinated by PoliCon Democrat and third-rate actor John Wilkes Booth and chaos ensued. That’s because of a decision Lincoln and the GOP made the year before, the choosing of PoliCon War Democrat and “Southern Unionist” Andrew Johnson as Lincoln’s running mate for his re-election. If you can’t see where I’m going with this….

Johnson is considered by many political scientists/historians as one of our worst Presidents. The first thing he did was to use his Presidential pardon powers to pardon all of the South, even though the South had truly committed treason by illegally trying to secede from the Union and levying war against the United States. Something else was happening at the same time…remember earlier when I wrote about how previous political parties that started without PoliCons saw the PoliCons eventually infiltrate it? That’s exactly what happened to the GOP…PoliCons had the greedy idea of taking over BOTH political parties. PoliCons began leaving the Democratic Party to become Republicans; the Liberal Republicans were gone by 1872 and became Democrats, leaving the internal “war” for the “soul” of the GOP between the PoliCon infiltrators on one side and the Moderates and the “Radical Republican Progressives” on the other.

For the next forty years, until 1912, the Moderates and Progressives put up a great fight against the invading PoliCons. In fact, much of the “good” that the GOP did back then was attributable to the Moderates and Progressives. The PoliCons knew they had to do SOMETHING to try and wrest away control of the GOP and tried to do just that by ordering the assassinations of William McKinley and his successor, a GOP Progressive by the name of Teddy Roosevelt. Meanwhile, back in the Democratic Party, there was an internal war there, as well. The influx of Liberals and Progressives from the GOP was not met well by the remaining PoliCons….

Such a situation (PoliCons in both parties) created some of the most fascinating studies into our Presidential politics back then. Essentially, PoliCon politicians tried to garner the PoliCon vote from both parties while the Liberals and Progressives tried to get a “coalition” of votes from the non-PoliCons of each party. It all came to a head, so to speak, in 1912. That was when Teddy Roosevelt, who survived the assassination attempt against him by the PoliCons (McKinley died two days after his assassination attempt), understood that the PoliCons had essential control of the GOP, left the GOP and took several million GOP Moderates and Progressives with him to found the Progressive Party, which was called by the media back then the “Bull Moose Party”. Since then, with the exception of the Eisenhower years in the White House (1953–1961), the PoliCons have been in control of the GOP. The PoliCons began their total embrace of the “new” political philosophy known as “Fascism” in 1920; the PoliCons in the GOP have been complete Fascists since then.

During all of that time, there were still PoliCon Democrats that were hoping that the party would return to its PoliCon roots and kick out the Liberals. As time went on, the Liberals and Progressives took control of the Democratic Party. After the PoliCon GOP had totally screwed up the “Roaring Twenties” (1920–1929) with their greed, insanity and Fascism, PoliCons were moving to the GOP at a faster rate. Because of that greed, insanity and Fascism of the GOP’s PoliCon wing, the stock market crashed in 1929 and launched the Great Depression. But, there were still a significant faction of PoliCon Democrats in the South/former CSA states, whom were nicknamed the “Dixiecrats” by the media.

It was around the time of the start of the Great Depression that the minorities who had flocked to the GOP originally gave up the ghost on the GOP returning to its Liberal and Progressive roots (ironic, isn’t it?) and they became Democrats. But…those Dixiecrats were still around and causing the problems in the Democratic Party. Now….

We come to the 1960’s, which has been half-jokingly and derisively nicknamed the “Great Sociological Experiment” by sociologists. For the most part, the remaining PoliCon Democrats were the Dixiecrats; they were becoming disenchanted with the Democratic Party. To combat that, the Democrats and John F. Kennedy (JFK) decided that Texas Senator Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) would be JFK’s running mate in 1960. The plan worked as JFK defeated Eisenhower’s Vice-President, Richard “Tricky Dick” Nixon, for the Presidency that year.

The Dixiecrats were willing to go along with JFK/LBJ, but, the Dixiecrats had an idea that resembled what had happened a century earlier: “what if we have JFK assassinated and LBJ, one of “us”, becomes President?” The most plausible JFK assassination conspiracy is just that….the Dixiecrats believed that, if LBJ were President instead of that “Yankee Liberal”, he’d give the South “autonomy” and allow them to be the Fascist bigots they had been for more than a century. If, however, that was the plan, what the Dixiecrats forgot to do was to clue in LBJ on the plan. When he became President after JFK’s assassination (in LBJ’s home state of Texas, ironically), he angered the Dixiecrats by showing he was a true patriot and not a Fascist like them. The two “straws that broke the camel’s back” were LBJ’s lobbying of his former colleagues in the US Senate to get the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (which served as a “clarification” of the first section of the 14th Amendment, the “Equal Protection Clause”) and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 passed so that he could sign them into law.

The Dixiecrats felt betrayed; instead of getting the President they wanted to give them autonomy, they got the opposite. At first, they thought about becoming Republicans for the 1968 Presidential election but they ended up starting a third party led by Alabama Governor George Wallace to run against the Democratic candidate and the GOP candidate, Nixon. But, within the Democratic Party also rose a faction of “radical Liberals and fiscal Conservatives” that would found their own party in 1971, the Libertarians (I call them “Firebaggers”).

If you know anything about Firebaggers, you know two things: they disagree with the PoliCons on just two subjects….civil rights and the US’ military footprint across the world (they are radically anti-war). On every other subject, they agree with the PoliCons. Therefore, the 1968 Democratic National Convention was the chance for the Firebaggers and PoliCon Democrats to protest the Liberal Yankees that were running the Democratic Party. The fact that LBJ decided not to run (even though he could have run again because he took over for the assassinated JFK after the halfway point of his term), was even more impetus for the Dixiecrats to rebel. The creation of that third party, the “American Independent” Party, succeeded in causing the Democratic candidate, Hubert H. Humphrey, to lose to Nixon. But, that wasn’t all…

Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” succeeded in finally converting the Dixiecrats into Republicans in 1969 and at least 99% of the PoliCons have been Republicans since. At least 95% of the Liberals have been Democrats since, thanks to that faction that founded the Libertarian Party in 1971. The “split” of the Democratic Party and the eventual conversion of Dixiecrats into Republicans and the “radical Left” becoming Firebaggers swept the GOP’s PoliCons into power and, the rest, as they say, is history.

P.S. we’ve reached the point where the GOP now is as divided as the Democrats were back then. Since December 2012, the GOP have been engaged in a five-faction “Civil War”, which wasn’t noticeable to many until one Donald Trump, Sr., announced that he was running for President as a Republican. Since his “election” (wink, wink) in 2016, the GOP Civil War has worsened to the point where it’s complete chaos now within the GOP. Here are those five factions and, when you see them, you’ll see why I’ve been correctly writing about the Civil War since the near-beginning of it….

Faction 1: ProtoFascist PoliCon sociopaths. The “president” and most of his minions make up the supermajority of this group. These are the “radical” Republicans who want to “burn it all down and start over”. They rail against the next faction even though, for the most part, they’re in agreement….

Faction 2: Fascist PoliCon psychopaths. These are the “Establishment” GOPers that have control of the GOP (and, it seems, all of our politics) for two reasons: they control 90% of the wealth and 98% of the media, thanks to their political lackeys in DC. Have you noticed that not much of the media releases/publishes articles about the rampant criminality and corruption of Faction 2 and that most of what they do is to release/publish articles and such about Faction 1? That’s not a coincidence, ladies and gentlemen….

Faction 3: Psychopaths and sociopaths in Moderate clothing. This is the smallest faction and includes all GOP politicians that are wrongly thought to be “Moderate”. These pathetic hypocrites rail against both Factions 1 and 2, but especially against Faction 1.

Faction 4: those GOP Moderate and Progressives, who are the two-thirds VOTING supermajority of the party but NONE of the politicians of it. Back in the days of the Great Depression, Faction 4 rebelled against Faction 2 by voting for Democrats in what I call the first “Republican Moderate and Progressive Revolution”, another one of which has been badly needed for more than 30 years. However, these brainwashed/manipulated fools act just like “The Proles” from the George Orwell novel “1984”, that is, they have the power and numbers to kick out the other factions but show little or no willingness or inclination to do so. Faction 2’s control of 98% of the media (two of the 18 defining characteristics of Fascism: control of the mass media and propaganda campaign employed) is the reason a second such revolution has yet to occur….

Faction 5: AnarchoFascist Firebagger hypocrites. For the past twenty years, Faction 5 has been working with Faction 2 to keep the other factions in line, BUT, it seems that they’ve decided to try and play Factions 1 and 2 against one another and are willing to join whichever faction “wins” the GOP Civil War.

Final note: Karl Marx, in his writings, said that, when governments/countries go through a “transition”, that there’s a group of opportunists that try to get “the masses” to rebel and, when the leaders are supplanted, that group then takes over leadership. Or, to put it another way using a line from “Won’t Get Fooled Again”, a song from the rock band The Who, “meet the new boss; same as the old boss”. Marx was half-correct in his statement. He’s correct only when Authoritarians fight each other, which is EXACTLY what has happened in the GOP with the Civil War. Faction 2 has the power and Faction 1 wants it. Another facet of Authoritarianism is that the “radicals” and opportunists use help from other Authoritarians to seize power. That was seen in this world when Adolf Hitler helped Benito Mussolini keep control of Italy until the Vermacht troops left Rome in 1945, where, less than an hour later, Italians stormed Mussolini’s mansion, executed he, his wife and a few others, and they were hung upside-down from trees. As for our situation now, Faction 1 was definitely helped by the Authoritarian (Fascist) Russians and their dictator, Vladimir Putin. What we’ve seen since Trump, Sr.’s “election” is each of the five factions of the GOP Civil War trying to employ the “composition/ division” logical fallacy, that is, each faction claiming that they’re better than the other four when the sad fact is that all factions are responsible for this mess. I regularly call out hypercritical GOP media members for their attempts to use arguments/statements based on composition/division.

