The Oyori Token is a futuristic version of the Matic coin.

Andrew Smith
5 min readMar 8, 2024


In the burgeoning world of cryptocurrencies, Oyori Token, also known as OYO Token, emerges as a standout reflection of Matic Coin. Built on the innovative Born and Burn technology, OYO Token epitomizes the dynamic evolution of the digital currency landscape. This unique token is born when acquired from the Reflection Coin, which is Matic Coin, and experiences a burn when sold back into the Reflection Coin, representing a dynamic and evolving ecosystem.

OYO Token stands apart as a non-tradable token, offering a reflection of Matic Coin within the Oyori Eco-System. With no fixed supply, OYO Token functions as an integral part of the Oyori platform, where its price dynamically increases as more Matic Coins enter the Oyori system. This innovative approach ensures a promising trajectory for OYO Token, with an anticipated future offering potential returns of 1000x, 10000x, or even more.

The Oyori Eco-System presents a myriad of unique offerings, leveraging its platform to provide an array of distinct features. Oyori Token, with its distinctive reflection characteristics, reflects the growing potential of the Matic Coin, indicating a bright future within the crypto landscape. As a reflection of Matic Coin, OYO Token is poised to offer substantial returns, underlining its promising trajectory and potential within the ever-evolving cryptocurrency market.

OYORI is a special kind of app system made on the Polygon Chain. It’s like a separate digital world for fast and powerful apps, all in one place, in the big world of digital money. The main thing in OYORI is the OYO Token, which is super important for this new idea. It’s all based on the Polygon Network, which is like the solid ground everything stands on.

OYO Token Exchange and MATIC Rewards

The website has its own way of swapping cryptocurrencies, so you can easily trade MATIC and OYO tokens. OYORI is unique because it gives extra MATIC rewards directly to people who own OYO tokens whenever they make transactions using these tokens. Basically, if you have OYO tokens, you get “free” MATIC depending on how many OYO tokens you have each time you trade.

Revolutionizing with Transparent Smart Contracts

OYORI accomplishes things differently by utilizing customized open-source Polygon smart contracts that ensure everything works securely and independently. These smart contracts function similarly to digital agreements in that they govern the entire exchange’s funds. Polygon Scan allows users to observe exactly what is happening while keeping everything transparent.

The smart contract manages all of the exchange’s main functions, such as buying and selling. However, users do not need to worry about trading directly with others. Instead, customers interact directly with the OYO smart contract for each transaction.

Why OYORI Chose Polygon Network

OYORI picked the Polygon Network on purpose. It’s like a special way to make things faster and cheaper. This method takes transactions that happen outside the main blockchain and makes them work better, so transactions cost less and happen faster.

The Polygon Network is also great because it can change to fit different needs while still being connected to the main Ethereum network. This gives OYORI a place to grow and work efficiently.

Price Coding of OYO

The price of OYO Tokens is calculated using a smart contract called DAPP, which uses Matic Token “GWEI.” Each time someone buys an OYO Token, the price of the next token increases by +1 GWEI. And when a token is sold, the GWEI decreases by -1.

Let’s take an example to understand this better. Say, someone pays 10,000 Matic for an OYO Token. The value of OYO jumps to 0.0001 (with three zeroes). This means that one zero is removed when 10,000 Matic is used. To remove the next zero, the system needs another 1,000,000 Matic. This will increase the price of OYO to 0.001 (with two zeroes).

This process continues. To make 1 OYO equal to 1 Matic, the system needs a total of 100,000,000 Matic. This is how the pricing mechanism works.

Holding OYO Tokens comes with some great advantages

  1. Fair Distribution: When transactions happen with OYO Tokens, 11% of the transaction value gets divided up among all the people who have OYO Tokens. This means everyone gets a fair share based on how many tokens they have.
  2. Price Coding Algorithm: The way OYO Token prices work is smart. They use something called Matic tokens to decide the value. This system is like a set of rules that make sure the price is fair and transparent. It’s all about being open and coming up with new ideas.

Referral Income

The OYORI ecosystem gives you a chance to earn a big amount when you refer others to it. OYORI provides a total income of 22%. There are 7 income levels in OYORI. The first level comes from direct referrals and is 10%. After that, the second level is 3%, the third is 2%, the fourth is 1%, the fifth is 1%, the sixth level is 2%, and the seventh level is 3%. To get unlimited income, you need to fulfill certain conditions at all levels. There are many social media networks where you can earn good money.

How To Buy OYO Token ?

  1. Get a Wallet: First, download Trustwallet or MetaMask on your device. Then, transfer all your MATIC tokens to it using the Polygon Network when you’re ready to trade.
  2. Access the DApp Area: Open Trustwallet’s or MetaMask’s DApp Area and paste this link:
  3. Confirm Polygon Network: Check the upper right corner of the screen to make sure you’re connected to the Polygon Network.
  4. Connect Wallet and Store MATIC: Once you’re connected, link your wallet and store all your MATIC tokens in it.
  5. You’re Done!: Congratulations, you’ve successfully become an OYO Token holder! Now, get ready to enjoy the benefits every day!

Pursuing Financial Independence with Oyori Token.

Oyori Token is at the vanguard of innovation, offering people unique prospects for financial success. Users can acquire huge wealth and make substantial returns by utilizing the OYO Token, which replicates the value of Matic cryptocurrency. Nonetheless, it is critical to understand the risks associated with bitcoin investing. Before making any financial decisions, thorough investigation and analysis are required. The material offered here is based on personal experiences and educational resources, and it should not be considered professional financial advice. While we aim for accuracy and speed, typographical errors may occur.

Disclaimer: Despite the tempting prospect of profit-sharing with OYO Tokens, all cryptocurrency investments carry risks. Always conduct extensive study and analysis before to making any financial decisions. The material provided here is based on personal experiences and educational resources and should not be interpreted as professional financial advice. Despite our best efforts to assure accuracy and timeliness, typographical errors may still occur.



Andrew Smith

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