An Open Letter to Reince Priebus, Chairman, Republican National Committee

Andrew Weinstein
15 min readAug 16, 2016


Note: If you are a current or former Republican elected official, appointee, or staff member who would like to join this letter, please send your name and relevant GOP titles/positions to Andrew Weinstein at

In every election cycle, the Republican National Committee (RNC) must make difficult decisions in the closing months about where to allocate its limited resources — money, time, staff, and ads — to ensure the best possible opportunities for the Party’s success.

Given the catastrophic impact that Donald Trump’s losing presidential campaign will have on down-ballot Senate and House races, we urge you to immediately suspend all discretionary RNC support for Trump and focus the entirety of the RNC’s available resources on preserving the GOP’s congressional majorities.

The signatories to this letter have been involved with Republican politics at the local, state, and national levels for more than three decades. We have served as past and current elected officials and as staffers for the RNC; appointees in every Republican administration since President Reagan; advisors on the last nine GOP presidential campaigns; aides on leadership, personal, and committee staff in both the House and Senate; grassroots workers; and delegates to multiple GOP conventions.

We believe that Donald Trump’s divisiveness, recklessness, incompetence, and record-breaking unpopularity risk turning this election into a Democratic landslide, and only the immediate shift of all available RNC resources to vulnerable Senate and House races will prevent the GOP from drowning with a Trump-emblazoned anchor around its neck.

This should not be a difficult decision, as Donald Trump’s chances of being elected president are evaporating by the day. Since the GOP convention, less than a month ago, he has alienated millions of voters of all parties by:

· Attacking Gold Star families of soldiers who died serving their country;

· Urging a hostile foreign government to intervene in a U.S. election;

· Suggesting that gun owners take action against his opponent if she is elected;

· Repudiating our NATO treaty obligations to protect our allies;

· Reportedly expressing interest in the preemptive use of nuclear weapons;

· Exposing his total ignorance of basic foreign policy matters;

· Stating his admiration for violent foreign autocrats;

· Refusing to disclose any of his past taxes, including those not under audit; and

· Deliberately and repeatedly lying about scores of issues, large and small.

Those recent outrages have built on his campaign of anger and exclusion, during which he has mocked and offended millions of voters, including the disabled, women, Muslims, immigrants, and minorities. He also has shown dangerous authoritarian tendencies, including threats to ban an entire religion from entering the country, order the military to break the law by torturing prisoners, kill the families of suspected terrorists, track law-abiding Muslim citizens in databases, and use executive orders to implement other illegal and unconstitutional measures.

Those disqualifying elements of Trump’s personality and positions are reflected in his plummeting support. As respected polling analyst Nate Silver recently wrote, “recent Fox News, Marist College and NBC News/Wall Street Journal national polls show Trump trailing Clinton by 9 to 14 percentage points, margins that would make for the largest general election blowout since 1984 if they held.”

Commenting on the Marist poll, The Washington Post said, “Those numbers are, to put it bluntly, shocking. Mitt Romney was never down by that much to President Obama in 2012; his worst poll was a survey in June from Bloomberg that had him down 13, with 40 percent of the vote.” On Clinton’s seven-point lead in the overall polling average, the article continued, “Relative to Election Day in 2004, 2008 and 2012, Clinton’s lead is more than twice that of the eventual victor at this point. “

According to Silver, whose analysis correctly picked 49 of the 50 states in the 2008 presidential election and all 50 states in 2012, current polling gives Trump barely a 11 percent chance of being elected president in November. That polling projects a potential 365 electoral vote blowout for Hillary Clinton, including a sweep of every battleground state from Florida to Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Colorado, Virginia, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, and North Carolina. Trump’s across-the-board collapse has put even Republican bastions like Georgia and Arizona in play.

As you know, there are very rarely large shifts in support at this late stage in a presidential election cycle, particularly with two candidates as well known to the public as the current nominees.

Beyond Trump’s likely electoral failure, his actions toward his fellow Republicans should disqualify him from receiving any further support. Since winning the primaries, Trump has claimed he wants to unify the party but instead has doubled down on vicious and vengeful attacks on fellow Republicans, including:

· Threatening to set up a super PAC with tens of millions of dollars of his own money to go after Republicans who did not support him;

· Dismissing a GOP Senator who spent more than five years being tortured as a prisoner-of-war as “not a hero;”

· Warning another GOP Senator that he might work against his reelection;

· Calling yet another incumbent Republican Senator a “loser” to his Senate peers;

· Repeating his false and outlandish claims that yet another Senator’s father played some role in the Kennedy assassination;

· Falsely accusing the nation’s first Hispanic woman Governor of “not doing her job;” and

· Refusing to initially endorse the Speaker of the House and at least two Republican Senators, despite their support for his presidential bid.

In summary, every dollar spent by the RNC on Donald Trump’s campaign is a dollar of donor money wasted on the losing effort of a candidate who has actively undermined the GOP at every turn. Rather than throwing good money after bad, the RNC should shift its strategy and its resources to convince voters not to give Hillary Clinton the “blank check” of a Democrat-controlled Congress to advance her big government agenda.

Signing an appeal such as this is not easy for any of us. But in our view, Trump’s divisive and dangerous actions are not only a threat to our other candidates, but to our Party and the nation. Only swift and decisive action can save the Republican Party and protect the hundreds of other GOP candidates running for office. We urge the RNC to immediately halt all support for Donald Trump and invest its resources in a real and winnable campaign to save the Republican Senate and House.


Current and Former Elected Officials

Former Senator Gordon Humphrey (R-NH)

Congressman Reid Ribble (R-WI)

Congressman Scott Rigell (R-VA)

Former Congressman Tom Campbell (R-CA)

Former Congressman Tom Coleman (R-MO)

Former Congressman Mickey Edwards (R-OK)

Former Congressman Bob Inglis (R-SC)

Former Congressman Jim Kolbe (R-AZ)

Former Congressman Christopher Shays (R-CT)

Former Congressman Vin Weber (R-MN)

Former California State Assemblyman Jim Cunneen (R-Silicon Valley)

Former New Hampshire State Legislator Betty Tamposi

Former GOP Appointees, Delegates, and Staff (Former RNC staff in bold)

Kristina Aberg

· Former Legislative Aide, Rep. Tom Bliley (R-VA)

· Former Staffer, Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX)

Richard Adams

· Former Regional Political Director, Republican National Committee

· Former Director of Political Information, Republican National Committee

David Almacy

· Former Internet Director at the White House under President George W. Bush

· Former Broadcast Services Staff, Republican National Committee

Emily Anthon

· Former Event Coordinator, Special Projects, Romney for President ‘08

Charles Badger

· Former Coalitions Director, Jeb Bush for President

Melissa Davis Balough

· Former Energy and Environment Policy Director, Romney for President ‘08

H. Spencer Banzhaf

· Office of U.S. Senator Bob Kasten (R-WI)

Bruce Bartlett

· Former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy, U.S. Department of the Treasury, under President George H.W. Bush

· Former Policy Advisor to President Ronald Reagan

· Former Executive Director, Joint Economic Committee

· Former Aide to Congressmen Ron Paul (R-TX) and Jack Kemp (R-NY)

Stephen Bassermann

· Former Campaign Manager, Roraback for Congress (CT-O5)

· Former Staff, Rep. Christopher Shays (CT-04)

James Boyle

· Former Press Secretary, Rep. Don Clausen (R-CA)

· Former Press Secretary, Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA)

Kellie Boyle

· Communications Field Advisor, Republican National Committee

· Federal Agency Liaison/Deputy Press Secretary, Senator John Warner (R-VA)

Kimberly Breslin

· Former Membership Director, National Republican Congressional Committee

Bruce Allan Brown

· Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs under President George W. Bush

Peter Carson

· Former Chief of Staff, Rep. Christopher Shays (R-CT)

Rob Carter

· Former Assistant Secretary for Tourism, Film and the Arts under Governor Robert Ehrlich (R-MD)

· Former Finance Chairman, Maryland Republican Party

· Former Finance Director, Republican Party of Florida

· Former Director of Special Projects, Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs, U.S. Department of Commerce under President George H.W. Bush

· Former Staffer, Republican National Committee

Sharon J. Castillo

· Former Director of Specialty Media & National Spokesperson, Bush-Cheney ‘04

· Former Deputy Director of Communications for Outreach, Republican National Committee

Katie Biber Chen

· Former General Counsel, Romney for President ’08 and ‘12

· Former Staffer, Political Department, Republican National Committee

John C. Cleveland

· Former Legislative Aide, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC)

B. Jay Cooper

· Former Deputy Press Secretary under President Ronald Reagan

· Former Deputy Press Secretary under President George H.W. Bush

· Former Director of Communications, Republican National Committee, under four different RNC Chairs

· Former Director of Public Affairs, U.S. Department of Commerce, under President Ronald Reagan

Rory Cooper

· Former Communications Director, Office of Majority Leader Eric Cantor

· Former Associate Director of Intergovernmental Affairs at the White House under President George W. Bush

· Former Associate Director, Homeland Security Council at the White House under President George W. Bush

· Former political staff at the RNC/RGA, NRCC, and Bush/Cheney 2004

Adam Dahlgren

· Former Virginia Outreach Director, RNC Victory 2008, Republican National Committee

Tony DeSisto

· Former Field Director, Republican Party of Florida, McCain ‘08

· Former County Leadership Team for Sen. Marco Rubio’s 2016 Presidential/Senate campaigns

· Alternate Florida Delegate to the Republican National Convention 2016

Cindy DeVore

· Former Executive Assistant to Director of Communications, Republican National Committee under three RNC Chairmen

· Former Senior Editor/Director, Constituent Services, Senator John Chafee (R-RI)

Justin Dillon

· Alternate DC Delegate to the Republican National Convention 2016

Q. Bernard Driskell

· Former Data Regional Policy Coordinator, Republican National Committee

· Former Legislative Aide, U.S. Senate

Jordan Edmund

· Former Deputy Campaign Manager, Ernest Istook for Governor

Jason Epstein

· Former Legislative Aide, Rep. Benjamin A. Gilman (R-NY)

Michael Estève

· Former Maryland College Republican State Chair

· Former Maryland GOP Executive Committee Member

· Bowie (MD) City Councilmember

Alexander Feldman

· Former Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary of International Trade, U.S. Department of Commerce under President George W. Bush

· Former Coordinator of the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State under President George W. Bush

· Former Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for International Economic Policy under President George H.W. Bush

Rudy Fernandez

· Former Special Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs under President George W. Bush

· Former Southwest Regional Political Director, Bush/Cheney ‘04

· Former Director of Grassroots Development, Republican National Committee

Mindy Finn

· Former Chief Digital Strategist, Republican National Committee

· Former Senior Digital Advisor, National Republican Senatorial Committee

· Former Deputy Digital Director, Republican National Committee

John Fluharty

· Former Assistant to the Campaign Manager, Dole/Kemp ‘96

· Former Executive Director, Delaware Republican Party

Andy Garlikov

· Former Advance Representative, Bush/Quayle ‘92

· Former Advance Representative, Dole/Kemp ‘96

Jim Glassman

· Former Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs under President George W. Bush

Christina Goodlander

· Former International Committee Chair, Young Republican National Federation

Nicholas Graham

· Former Press Secretary, US Senator Olympia Snowe

· Former Press Secretary, US Senator John Chafee

· Former Senior Campaign Aide, Susan Collins

· Former Senior Policy Analyst, National Republican Senatorial Committee

· Former Vice Chairman, Arlington County (VA) GOP

Brian Griffiths

· Former Northeast Regional Vice-Chairman, Young Republican National Federation

· Former Assistant Secretary, Young Republican National Federation

· Former Chairman, Maryland Young Republicans

Tiffany Romero Grossman

· Former Presidential Appointee in Office of the Deputy Secretary and Bureau of Legislative Affairs, U.S. Department of State, under President George W. Bush

· Former Presidential Appointee of the U.S. Trade Representative, Office of the Chief of Staff, under President George W. Bush

Nicole Guillemard

· Former Director of Specialty Media at the White House under President George W. Bush

· Former Director of Outreach Communications, Republican National Committee

Christine Iverson Gunderson

· Former Press Secretary, Republican National Committee

· Former Communications Director, House Republican Conference

· Former Communications Director, Sen. Judd Gregg (R-NH)

· Former Communications Director, Rep. John Thune (R-SD)

· Former Director of Public Affairs, U.S. Department of Commerce, under President George W. Bush

Gene Gurevich

· Former Professional Staff and Counsel, House Committee on Foreign Affairs

Betsy Wright Hawkings

· Former Chief of Staff, Rep. Christopher Shays (R-CT)

Octavio A. Hinojosa Mier

· Founding Executive Director, Congressional Hispanic Conference

· Former Staffer, Rep. Jerry Moran (R-KS)

Dana Hudson

· DC Delegate to the 2016 Republican National Convention

· Former Campaign aide to Rep. Alex Mooney (R-WV)

Cheri Jacobus

· Former Spokesperson, Republican National Committee

· Former Communications Director, House Education and Workforce Committee

· Former Press Secretary, Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD)

Katrina Jørgensen

· Chairman, South Carolina Federation of Young Republicans

· Former Communications & International Outreach Chair, Young Republican National Federation

Robert Kelner

· Former Speechwriter for Jack Kemp, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, under President George H.W. Bush

Chris Keppler

· Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs under President George W. Bush

· Former Media Tour Director, Dole/Kemp ‘96

· Former Advance Representative, Reagan/Bush ‘84

Derek Khanna

· Professional Staff, House Republican Study Committee

· Advisor, Romney for President ’08 and ‘12

· Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff, Senator Scott Brown (R-MA)

Cameron Kilberg

· Former Campaign Policy Staff, Chris Christie for President

· Former Assistant Secretary of Technology, Commonwealth of Virginia

· Former Associate Counsel, John McCain for President

Vic Klatt

· Former Staff Director, House Education and Labor Committee

· Former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislation, U.S. Department of Education, under President George H.W. Bush

· Former Press Secretary and Campaign Manager, Congressman Fred Upton

· Former Staffer, Administration and Field Divisions, Republican National Committee

Heather Layman

· Former Deputy Press Secretary, Republican National Committee

· Former Public Affairs Office for the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Department of Commerce under President George W. Bush

· Former Deputy Press Secretary for Rep. Rick Lazio (R-NY)

· Former Press Assistant for House Speaker Newt Gingrich

Andrew Lee

· Former Deputy Press Secretary, Chairman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), House Committee on Foreign Affairs

· Former Press Assistant for Rep. Bob Inglis (R-SC)

Peter Lee

· DC Delegate to the 2016 Republican National Convention

Jennifer Pierotti Lim

· Former Staffer, Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship

· Former Transition Team, Governor Scott Brown (R-MA)

Vicki Linden

· Former Assistant Director, Graphic Services, Republican National Committee, under five different RNC Chairs

Bob Maistros

· Former Speechwriter, Reagan/Bush ’84 and Senators Charles Grassley and Orrin Hatch

· Former Counsel, Senate Labor and Human Resources Subcommittee on Aging

Mario Mangiameli

· Former Counterterrorism and Law Enforcement Policy Advisor, Department of Homeland Security

Rosario Marin

· 41st Treasurer of the United States under President George W. Bush

Constance Matia

· Former Volunteer for GOP Convention, Platform Committee & Rules Committee

Robert McCreary

· Former Chief of Staff, Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO)

· Former Bush Administration Presidential Appointee

· Former Bush/Cheney ’00 and ’04

Beth Miller

· Former Chief Assistant Secretary of State, State of California

· Former Chief Deputy Press Secretary, Governor Pete Wilson

· Former Communications Field Division Director, Republican National Committee

· Former Communications Director, Rep. Virginia Smith (R-NE)

· Former Press Secretary, Department of Energy, under President George H.W. Bush

Kelly Mills

· Former Advance Staff, Bush/Cheney ‘00

Richard Mills

· Former Assistant US Trade Representative for Public and Media Affairs under President George W. Bush

· Former Senior Advisor to the Deputy Secretary of State, US Department of State, under President George W. Bush

· Former Director of Communications, US Department of Commerce, under President George W. Bush

Matt Modell

· Former Deputy Regional Political Director for the Southeast, Bush/Cheney ‘)4

Tim Mooney

· Former Speechwriter/Legislative Assistant to Senator John Chafee (R-RI)

Lester Munson

· Former Staff Director, Senate Foreign Relations Committee

· Former Chief of Staff, Senator Mark Kirk

Jana Novak

· Former Speechwriter, House Speaker Newt Gingrich

· Former Speechwriter, Senate Republican Conference Chair Kay Bailey Hutchison

· Former Senior Policy Adviser, US Senator Sam Brownback

· Former Communications Director, House GOP Conference Vice Chair Tillie Fowler

· Former Assistant Editor, Rising Tide magazine, Republican National Committee

Heather Olsen

· Former Chair of the Prince George’s Co. (MD) Republican Party

· Alternate Maryland Delegate to the Republican National Convention 2008

Trygev Olson

· Former E-Political Director, John McCain for President ‘08

· Former Campaign Manager, Harsdorf for Congress

Virginia Hume Onufer

· Former Deputy Press Secretary, Republican National Committee

· Former Communications Director, Republican Governors Association

· Former Deputy Communications Director, Sauerbrey for Governor

Brett Palmer

· Former Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs under President George W. Bush

· Former Policy Assistant to House Speaker Newt Gingrich

Christi Neuenschwander Parker

· Former Senior Press Aide, Dole/Kemp ‘96

Gian-Carlo Peressutti

· Former Associate Director, Office of Public Liaison at the White House under President George W. Bush

· Former Personal Aide and Press Secretary to President George H.W. Bush

Paul Pimentel

· Former Chief of Staff, Connecticut Senate Republican Caucus

· Former District Director, Congressman Christopher Shays

Ricardo Reyes

· Former Deputy US Trade Representative for Public Affairs under President George W. Bush

· Cofounder, R4C16

Michael Richards

· Former Foreign Service Officer, U.S. State Department

Maggie Rogers

· Former Director of Political Coalitions, Republican National Committee

Patrick Ruffini

· Former eCampaign Director, Republican National Committee

Sarah Elizabeth Rumpf

· Former Political Director for Orange County (Florida) Young Republicans

· Former General Counsel, Orange County (Florida) Republican Party

· Former Social Media Director, Texas Young Republican Federation

Andrew Sagor

· Former Special Assistant to the U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for War Crimes Issues, US Department of State, under President George W. Bush

· Co-Founder, R4C16

Jenifer Sarver

· Former Deputy Director of Public Affairs, U.S. Department of Commerce, under President George W. Bush

· Former Senior Writer, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX)

· Former Volunteer, 72 Hour Task Force, Republican National Committee

Chris Scheve

· Former Policy Advisor to House Speaker Newt Gingrich

· Former Director of Congressional Affairs, Council on Environmental Quality, under President George W. Bush

Natalie Schmidt

· Alternate Florida Delegate to the Republican National Convention 2016

· Former Republican Executive Precinct Committeeperson

Rina Shah

· DC Delegate to RNC Convention 2016

· Former Senior Staffer, Rep. Scott Garrett (R-NJ)

· Former Senior Staffer, Rep. Jeff Miller (R-FL)

Candi Skipper

· Member, Washington County (MD) Republican Central Committee

Linda Arey Skladany

· Former Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of the White House Office of Public Liaison under President Ronald Reagan

Martin Skold

· Former Legislative Assistant, U.S. House of Representatives

Diane Sypolt

· Former Associate General Counsel, Office of Management and Budget, and Former Deputy General Counsel, US Department of Education, under President Ronald Reagan

· Former Counsel to Vice President Dan Quayle

John Stubbs

· Former Senior Advisor, US Trade Representative under President George W. Bush

· Cofounder, R4C16

Elizabeth Ladt Sullivan

· Former Associate Counsel for International Affairs at the White House Council on Environmental Quality, Executive Office of the President under George W. Bush

· Former Director of Special Projects for U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell

· Former Director of Protocol and Chief of Staff to the First Lady for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie

Craig Takes

· Former Congressional Staffer, Rep. Tom Tauke (R-IA)

Gary Teal

· Former Vice Chair, District of Columbia Republican Party

Heidi Mohlman Tringe

· Former Press Secretary, Senator Jim Jeffords (R-VT)

· Former Communications Director, House Committee on Science

· Former Legislative Affairs Director, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, under President George W. Bush

· Former Secretary of Civil and Military Affairs, Governor Jim Douglas (R-VT)

Bob Tyrer

· Former Chief of Staff, U.S. Department of Defense

· Former Chief of Staff to Senator William S. Cohen (R-ME)

· Former Campaign Manager to Senator Susan Collins (R-ME)

Daniel Vajdich

· Former Senior National Security Advisor, Ted Cruz for President

· Former Deputy Foreign Policy Director, Scott Walker for President

· Former Professional Staff Member, U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations

Bob Vanasse

· Assistant Director, House Republican Study Committee

· Former Policy Analyst, House Republican Conference

Danny Vargas

· Former National Chairman, Republican National Hispanic Assembly

· Former Advisor to Four RNC Chairmen

· Former Republican Candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates

Joshua Vieth

· Former member, Lucas County (OH) Central Republican Committee

Connor Walsh

· Former Digital Director, Office of Majority Leader Eric Cantor

Matt Walton

· Former Republican Nominee, Virginia House of Delegates, 74th District

M. Dane Waters

· Former Bush/Quayle Political Appointee

· Former staffer on Bush/Quayle, Phil Gramm, and McCain/Palin presidential campaigns

Andrew Weinstein

· Former Deputy Press Secretary, House Speaker Newt Gingrich

· Former Director of Media Relations, Dole/Kemp ‘96

Chevy Weiss

· Former Communications Director, Maryland Republican Party

Jabari White

· Former Aide, Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK)

· Former National Security Advisor, Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA)

Paul J. Wilkinson

· Former Executive Director, House Republican Policy Committee

· Former Director of Communications, House Republican Policy Committee

Deirdre Woodbyrne

· Former Campaign Manager, Rob Hermansen for Bergen County (NJ) Freeholder

· Former Senior Producer, Senate Republican Conference

· Former Deputy Press Secretary, Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE)

Michele Woodward

· Former Advance Representative, Reagan-Bush ‘84

· Former Press Advance for the White House under President Ronald Reagan

· Former Director, Press Advance, Dole ‘88

· Former Advance Representative for Bush/Quayle ’88, Bush/Quayle ’92, Dole/Kemp ‘96

· Principal Organizer, State Funeral of President Reagan

· Principal Organizer, State Funeral of President Ford

· Former Executive Director, Ronald Reagan Centennial Commission

Sue Yang

· Former Director for Senate Affairs, U.S. Department of State, under President George W. Bush

· Former Senior Policy Assistant, House Speaker Newt Gingrich

Lynn Young

· Former Regional Coordinator, McCain Victory Committee, Republican National Committee

· Former Accounts Payable Manager, Romney for President

· Former Accounting Assistant, Republican Governors Association

