Why am I so optimistic after Bitcoin crash?

One year ago I was watching tremendous bubble in the crypto and, saying true, it made me a furious bear, despite I had a position in blockchain-development company. I knew the financial markets history well and I knew how terrible and shocking could be the bubble’s end. There wasn’t any reason to expect from Bitcoin bubble some other final. During the last six months, my market view has been changing, because of the intensive infrastructure boom and creating a real basis for big money influx into the pool. I began to believe in long-term prospects some in the Summer, next few months I was expecting the last big sale, that clean-up market from “to the moon” propagandists.

Andrey Mastykin
2 min readDec 5, 2018

Actually, I’m satisfied now. It’s a gloom and doom time for crypto. The best coin costs near $4000, it means five times cheaper, than on the last year top. The remarkable thing, that massive selloff has sent bids to the new 1 year low, despite experts positive forecasts. The cryptocommunity is feeling desperate and distracted now, a lot of adopters have lost their confidence in capitalization pull back. My view may be seen cruel in regard to people, who have lost their money during the bubble blow-off, but now I feel enthusiastic about crypto as never before. Why do I feel so?

At first, it’s stupid to reject the fact that Bitcoin has become a new asset class, a new store of value for the digital market generation. And numerous polls say the last market perturbations can’t shake Bitcoin off the stand.

Secondly, my confidence is easy to explain by the nature of financial markets. A new trend is always beginning in gloom and doom when the crowd doesn’t believe in the future. At the same time prices may already look attractive in the eyes of big players.

As I said, my view has been changing during the last months because of quite a strong infrastructure development. During the next two or three months will be destroyed the last barriers for big traditional money investments in crypto.

At the same time, I believe that the next Bitcoin big growth will rather be slow and stable than rocket-like explosive. The derivatives market creates opportunities for both bulls and bears, as well as for players with a neutral position. This factor will smooth out sharp price spikes. I think that the next bitcoin growth will be slower and significantly less volatile as we have seen in the past decade.

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