Pros and Cons of Using Chat GPT: My Personal Experience

Andrey Peshkov
4 min readMay 23, 2023


I’m not a coder, designer, or copywriter. My article won’t provide you with 10 ways to speed up your work or 100 important prompts you should know. These fields have already achieved a high degree of adaptation. In our team, I’m responsible for product and business areas. I will describe my personal experience of using Chat GPT and the pros and cons that arise:

Let’s start with the pros:

  1. Lowering the entry barrier

One of the significant advantages of using Chat GPT is the reduction of the entry barrier. As a non-native English speaker, I used to be fearful of writing articles in English due to the potential for making mistakes. However, with Chat GPT, that fear and worry about translation accuracy have disappeared. I now feel more confident in expressing myself in English.

2. Organizing thought process

Another benefit I have observed is that using Chat GPT helps me in organizing my ideas effectively. Previously, I was hesitant to write anything, but now, with the assistance of Chat GPT, I can write without fear. Reflecting on the text and engaging with the AI model has a positive impact on the organization and structure of my thoughts and ideas.

3. Idea generation

Chat GPT has proven to be a valuable tool in overcoming the fear of a blank page. Generating ideas can often be a challenging task, but with the help of Chat GPT, I have found it easier to overcome writer’s block. The AI model provides prompts and suggestions that inspire creativity and allow me to explore new perspectives.

4. Drawing conclusions and summarizing text

When it comes to drawing conclusions and summarizing lengthy texts, Chat GPT has been immensely helpful. It has the ability to analyze and distill complex information into concise and coherent summaries. This feature saves me time and effort while ensuring that the main points are effectively communicated.

5. Descriptions

Chat GPT’s capabilities extend beyond generating ideas and organizing thoughts. It also excels in creating compelling descriptions. By providing a few introductory words and context, the AI model can generate well-crafted descriptions that effectively convey the essence of an idea or concept. This has been particularly useful in marketing and content creation.

6. Searching

Chat GPT can be likened to a personalized search engine. While traditional search engines like Google provide multiple search results, Chat GPT offers a unique perspective by providing a single, highly relevant response. This focused approach enables me to find specific information quickly and efficiently.

7. Use equals learning

An additional advantage I have experienced while using Chat GPT is the opportunity for continuous learning. By actively engaging with the AI model and leveraging its capabilities, I can stay informed and updated on the latest changes and advancements in technology. This hands-on experience enhances my knowledge and keeps me in the loop with evolving trends.

Now, let’s discuss the cons:

  1. Delegation of brain functions

One potential drawback of relying heavily on Chat GPT is the delegation of cognitive tasks that should ideally be done by oneself. While the AI model assists in idea generation, summarization, and article writing, it may hinder personal development and growth. By relying too heavily on AI, there is a risk of losing important cognitive skills and the ability to think critically and independently. It is crucial to strike a balance and recognize the importance of personal intellectual engagement.

2. Fear

There is an underlying fear among some individuals that artificial intelligence will eventually dominate and control humanity. While I personally do not strongly believe in this scenario, it is worth acknowledging that there is a non-zero probability of AI advancements potentially leading to unforeseen consequences. It is essential to approach AI development and integration with ethical considerations and thoughtful precautions

3. Information bubble

The prevalent focus on artificial intelligence in our surroundings can create an information bubble that limits our perspectives. While AI undoubtedly holds great potential, it is essential not to overlook other significant issues and challenges that require attention and solutions. Maintaining a well-rounded perspective ensures a comprehensive approach to problem-solving.

4. I am a product for AI

Just as I utilize AI technology to reach my users and enhance their experiences, it is crucial to recognize that AI can also be leveraged in ways that affect me as an individual. Hyper-individualized advertisements, emails, and other forms of targeted content are expected to become more prevalent, potentially blurring the line between genuine personalization and intrusive manipulation. Maintaining a critical eye and being aware of how AI is used in relation to us is crucial in safeguarding our privacy and autonomy.

5. Job displacement

While I do not believe that AI will completely replace the role of entrepreneurs in the immediate future, it is undeniable that it will have an impact on the job market. In one of our products, we have already implemented AI, leading to the elimination of certain job positions. However, it is also important to note that AI creates new opportunities and job roles. The key lies in adaptation and reskilling to remain relevant in an evolving work landscape.

This article was also written with the assistance of Chat GPT. The AI model played a crucial role in generating the content, providing insights, and structuring the information. By collaborating with Chat GPT, I was able to leverage its language capabilities and tap into its vast knowledge base. The AI model aided in formulating coherent sentences, organizing ideas, and ensuring the overall flow of the article. It is a testament to the potential of AI technology in assisting with content creation and enhancing productivity in various domains.

