lacta persona

Andriana Kapatou
3 min readJun 17, 2019


One of the first things we had to do in the class of Advertising and Public Relations, was to select one brand and tell why we chose it. It wasn’t neither difficult nor easy. In today’s market you can find thousands of millions brands that are famous with people and are promoted in the right way in order to make the profits that business wants and provide to people what they need or want. As every member of our team is consumer of many products, firstly we proposed our ideas about our favorites brands. After rejecting some of ideas, we conclude to our final choice, Lacta, a Greek chocolate company which is the no.1 chocolate milk in Greece.

Through the advertisements that Lacta creates, we can understand that sometimes by accompanying an acquaintance and sometimes by symbolizing a true love, our Lacta brings us closer to those we love and reminds us the moments we share with them.

“Chocolate is an important part of our life. Everyone enjoy the pleasure chocolate brings to us, especially in some special days such as Valentine’s Day.”

“Chocolate has a meaning of love and Lacta always disseminate the equal and free love. Love is for everyone, so we think Lacta’s target audience is for everyone.”

From all these, we can categorize Lacta into the “Everyman” brand personality type. The customers of a brand like this want to belong and feel entirely comfortable when they associate with it — like they would a long-time companion. The main purpose of an “Everyman” brand is to be friendly and accepted by everyone. Our brand has no stereotypes, racist characteristics and doesn’t want a “niche audience”. The message which it wants to send, is that everyone is free to be what he wants, without thinking inside the box that society creates. We are all equal.

If someone search for Lacta’s advertisements, he will understand all these things. The color, the age, the gender, the sexual preferences are things that don’t count. What it really counts, is love. Love is everything we have and what we need to share with others.

The last advertisement of Lacta’s products is a very strong example of what the company wants to communicate. The concept was to show the love between many different couples who love to eat lacta and this is an extra thing that connects them. The title of this campaign was #ActForLove.

Let’s bring down the stereotypes in Love.

Almost every social media campaign post have a lot of comments, so advertising undoubtedly sends a message against discrimination, while at the same time achieving its goal of trending on social media. In addition to attracts interest, it provokes some reactions, as others welcome the philosophy of the campaign and the message in favor of diversity and love while others complain of trying to present themselves as something normal that they are not.

