Introducing the GraphQL Survey Series: Insight from Successful GraphQL Adopters

Andriana Angelevska
Published in
2 min readFeb 19, 2019

Curious about GraphQL? We here at Novvum were curious too!

Having been using GraphQL since its release, we had seen a great increase in development velocity, reliability, and modularity. So, we began to wonder: are other companies sharing this sentiment?

In order to answer this question for ourselves, we designed and conducted a survey of the CTOs and lead developers of a variety of companies about their implementation of GraphQL. Over a three month period, we gathered data from companies, like Uber, Paypal, and Trulia, whose development teams ranged from one engineer to over one hundred engineers. What we achieved was an incredible list of insights regarding why these companies chose GraphQL, what benefits they received, what difficulties they faced, and even what tips they had for other teams who want to migrate.

After seeing just how much useful information we had collected we knew we couldn’t keep it to ourselves. Thus the GraphQL Survey Series was born. Through this series of articles, we hope to not just create a better-informed community but a larger pool of resources for anyone considering migrating to GraphQL.

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction — you are here!
  2. Why Companies are Adopting GraphQL
  3. What Experienced Teams Want You to Know about Migrating to GraphQL
  4. How Companies Are Using GraphQL & What They Migrated From

If your team has already migrated to GraphQL and you would like to provide your opinion, our survey is still open and your responses will be used to update the information in this series periodically!

Take the GraphQL Survey Here!

