“Women in Film and Creative industries UK”

Andrietta Simbi
4 min readJan 15, 2021


Clubhouse session hosted by

Gabriella Kingley |Rebekah Bird | Adi Alfa

Throughout the history of the creative industry women have needed to make their own opportunities in a mainly male dominated industry. In 2020 we globally witnessed a monumental shift in the creative industry with women becoming the highlight of inclusitivity alongside the BAME movement which helped shift and rescale the balance of ethic groups within the creative industry and other industries alike.

To celebrate the changes in which Women have began paving a way for their gender in the creative industry, this Article will focus on 3 women and their experience as creatives in the industry. These women have provided platforms on Social media networks such as Instagram, clubhouse and within the industry to uplift women in a movement to widen the gap and invite in young and aspiring creatives to take risks and apply themselves for opportunities available in their chosen field.

This article will cover a few key pieces of advice, tips and hints in understanding the industry before and post corona.


Utilising corona to develop as a creative in the film industry

During the session Adi gave insight into ways you can effectively utilise the pandemic as a creative based on her experience during the global outbreak. She spoke in detail of the importance of remaining proactive, ‘during the pandemic I’ve spent my time developing my skills in writing, learning languages and networking with the industry, she continued to advise how it is important as a creative to maintain a positive work flow in which one can develop their skills and find opportunities within the industry.

When asked what advice she would give any young female creative she said ‘don’t be shy’ to communicate your vision and goals. Within workplaces it is common for women to not receive the fair respect and opportunities compared to their male counterpart however, it is ‘key’ that you ask and vocalise your self in order to get help through funding, kickstarts and other opportunities within the industry.

On the panel we also had Rebekah Bird who explained her journey into the film industry, she explained how the creative industry was one of the ‘biggest kept secrets in the industry’ with an under representation of women in high and influential positions in film and directing. However, this fuelled her ambition to become the representation in order to encourage young women to pursue roles within the industry.

Adding on to her journey she highlighted the importance developing skills in different fields such as editing, directing, filming etc as they can serve you when trading value for income and provide creatives with ‘multiple sources of income’.

Mastering your desired skills is also of great importance and she added it’s important to master one skill that can drive as your main expertise and niche within the market.

Gabriella higlighted key characteristics of being a successful female director within the industry, one being the ability have a set of ‘transferable skills’. She detailed the importance of being able to manage any tasks given when working in a high demand industry that requires a high level of durability in work load and adaptability when working in different areas such as graphic design, content creation and media.

During the lockdown she spent her time rebranding and redefining her skills as she begins to venture into a fashion and commercial advertising. Her journey into the creative industry Began through studying media and design and it shifted to directing. With 5 years in the industry she highlighted the importance of understanding all aspects of production from camera operations to makeup in order to have a full understanding of what makes a production. Additionally she added how it is also a great way to network with people and build key relationships.

Throughout the session all the moderators answered questions and gave a free space for creative who are entering or working in directing, writing, producing and business as a way to offer their tips and hints such as understanding how ‘knowledge is power and the importance of developing your voice as a female creative’. The platform and open sessions focused towards the development of women in the creative industry to provide opportunities post corona. This included advise on utilising platforms such as YouTube and its free content i.e. ‘how to’ and online information provided by industry professionals and creatives around the world.

From 2020 to 2021 we witnessed a digital shift in networking, business, and education and women have taken control in being the lead for change stronger than they have before.

Tune into these sessions and don’t miss out on great opportunities to learn, share and create with your chosen industry.

Thank you for reading



Andrietta Simbi

Writer | dedicated to writing stories about amazing people and interesting topics