Eternal Plasma Rocket

Andrii Lemeshko
5 min readMar 31, 2023


— Do you have a nuclear engine?! You didn’t tell me.
— Of course, I have a reactor!
I was as surprised as she was. I am a multifunctional ship.
Why didn’t you use it before?
-Used a little for overclocking. But there was no special need — your Sun, Procyon, and even more such a giant as Sirius,
give enough plasma to move on the ion.
‘Me and my captain’. Author: Morozov Artyom.

1.Earth’s magnetic field.

It has long been known that the Sun emits not only photons, but also the “solar wind” — a stream of ionized particles (mainly helium-hydrogen plasma) flowing from the solar corona at a speed of 300–1200 km/s into the surrounding space. It is one of the main components of the interplanetary medium. Every second our Sun in the form of radiation loses 4.26 million tons of matter, but this value is negligible compared to the mass of the Sun — 2x1027 tons. It is this substance that is proposed to be used in a special way for interplanetary flights.

The concepts of ‘solar wind’ (the flow of ionized particles flying from the Sun to the Earth in 2–3 days) and ‘sunlight’ (the flow of photons flying from the Sun to the Earth in an average of 8 minutes 17 seconds [1]) should not be confused. In particular, it is the effect of sunlight pressure (and not wind) that is used in the projects of the so-called solar sails.

2.Eternal plasma engine

Externally, the design of a perpetual plasma engine is very similar to the E-sail. But only externally. The design of the E-sail only gave rise to the idea of ​​using solar wind, but as a working fluid in a perpetual jet engine. The operating principle of the E-sail is described in detail in open sources. The proposed eternal rocket consists of a block with a generator, a plasma catcher, and a magnetodynamic engine.

“Spokes” or masts made of conductive materials are plasma catchers in the proposed design; they are surrounded by an external magnetic field, since electric current flows through the “spokes” from the generator to the jet engine. The field around the conductors, like a web, captures the plasma or solar wind and, in essence, redirects it into the nozzle of an electric plasma electric rocket engine.

2.1 Operating principle of the plasma trap

In essence, the operation of a plasma catcher is similar to how the Earth’s magnetic field catches particles from the solar wind.

Near the poles, the magnetic field density is high, but above the equators it is different, and as a result, protons, which have diamagnetic properties, gradually drift into a zone with low density. In this case, charged particles move in a spiral around the magnetic lines of force of the Earth’s magnetic field. How capture occurs and the circular motion of protons occurs should be explained.

2.2. Operating principle of a magnetic trap

Particles of plasma or solar wind, when interacting with a magnetic field, naturally rotate in a spiral around the magnetic field lines created by a magnetic coil or wire with electric current.

Why this happens is also described in detail in popular science literature. All solar wind particles with kinetic or thermal energy will actually be captured by the magnetic field of the current-carrying coil.
And then the captured particles enter the MHD accelerator where they are accelerated by electric current. What will cause this movement of captured particles towards the nozzle? Partially by gravity. And partly due to diamagnetic forces. Protons remain diamagnetic, and therefore protons are able to move under the influence of diamagnetic force from a region of space with a strong magnetic density to a region where the magnetic field is less dense.

Protons entering the magnetic field begin to drift towards the nozzle. The diamagnetic force actually pushes protons from a zone of a denser magnetic field into a less dense zone of a magnetic field.

2.3. On the creation of diamagnetic force.

How in practice can one obtain the difference in magnetic field density in this case between the positive and negative poles? So that the diamagnetic force would always shift the captured protons towards one of the poles. How to create a reduced magnetic field density in the area of ​​one of the poles? Due to different winding pitches at the catcher “spokes”.

Now it is possible to describe the principle of MHD jet engine to which solar plasma is supplied.

2.4. Operating principle of the MHD engine.

Plasma particles, rotating in a spiral around magnetic force lines, enter the central accelerating channel leading to the jet nozzle. The operating principle of the MHD accelerator is described in detail in the scientific literature.

In essence, this is a structural MHD generator. In which electric current is supplied to the plates. But in an MHD generator, on the contrary, the current is removed from the plates.


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