25 Useful English Phrases From Friends to Honor 25th Anniversary

Andrijana Ikonić
12 min readOct 27, 2019


Twenty-five years ago, the world became a little bit better, because one of the greatest shows of all times premiered. If you have not been hiding under the stone, you have probably watched or at least heard of ‘Friends’.

I wanted to honor the 25th anniversary of my favorite show by listing 25 catchphrases that you can learn from ‘Friends’ as well as implement into your daily English conversations. I have watched Friends for around 10 times, and I absolutely swear on these phrases — they have been a conversation starter and an ice breaker for many years (still are!). I am also a language enthusiast so why not mix my two passions together?

Movies and TV shows are very beneficial for learning foreign languages, especially if you are learning English. You get to learn and acquire popular slang, new words and, most importantly, learn from context.

Before you go ahead and binge-watch ‘Friends’ (again), read the following 25 phrases and enjoy this fun learning experience.

1. Pivot! Pivot! Pivot!

Friends Scene: The legendary scene where Ross tries to bring a brand new couch to his apartment, but his building doesn’t have an elevator, so his friends have to help him pivot.

Catchphrase breakdown: In all honesty, this was the first time I’ve heard of the word ‘Pivot’, yet again know what it means. Pivot is ‘the central point, pin, or shaft on which a mechanism turns or oscillates.’ To pivot is ‘to turn on or as if on a pivot’. He could have just said ‘turn’ or ‘rotate’, but being the smart guy he is, he taught us what ‘to pivot’ means.

2. Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

Friends Scene: Same couch scene, different character. One of the friends who was helping Ross in this scene was my favorite friend, Chandler. To Ross’ motivational screams, Chandler shouts, ‘Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!’.

Catchphrase breakdown: Not as extravagant as the word ‘Pivot’ but still, very useful. If you want to be a fluent English speaker, you need to know when to say ‘Shut up’. In all seriousness, To shut (someone) up means ‘to cause someone to stop speaking’. When to use it? When your best friend yells at you to pivot their couch up the stairs.

3. We were on a break!

Friends scene: Ross and Rachel (kind of) break up, he kisses another girl, Rachel naturally gets mad, and to his defense, Ross says: ‘We were on a break!’

Catchphrase breakdown: The whole world was asking, ‘Were they or were they not on a break?’. To be on a break refers to breaks in relationships, the kind that you make when you want to think about things, or have some time apart. I hope you won’t have to use this phrase ever in your life, but it’s good to know what it means.

4. How you doin’?

Friends scene: This is probably the most popular line, and it is used quite frequently by Joey Tribianni. He is the charmer of the show and he uses this phrase to seduce women.

Catchphrase breakdown: How you doin’ is Joey’s way of saying, ‘How are you doing?’ Remove the charming context, and you get a very useful phrase to start conversations. It’s an informal way to ask someone how they are feeling.

5. Oh. My. God.

Friends scene: Every scene with Janice (Chandler’s ex-girlfriend). She’s very loud and her ‘Oh. My. God.’ is impossible to forget.

Catchphrase breakdown: You say ‘Oh my God’ when you are in shock or when something surprises you. It can be used as an exclamation of disbelief or anger. It’s a phrase you should learn if you want to be a confident English speaker.

6. Could I BE wearing any more clothes?

Friends scene: Chandler and Joey get in a fight over a seat. Few scenes later Chandler hides Joey’s clothes so Joey decides to do the exact opposite: wear everything Chandler owns (?). At those moments, he does an impression of Chandler saying: “Could I BE wearing any more clothes?”

Catchphrase breakdown: This is a very useful phrase for when you want to highlight something. Could I be any happier? Could you be any cuter? Couuld I be wearing any more clothes? So instead of saying: “I’m wearing a lot of clothes” you can go with the funnier version from Friends.

7. That is brand new information!

Friends scene: Joey and Phoebe “find out” from Ross that Rachel is pregnant with his baby and get absolutely shocked by that “brand new information”.

Catchphrase breakdown: If you didn’t know, the word ‘information’ is uncountable noun so it doesn’t have a plural form. I’ve know this for quite some time and I think I have this amazing scene to thank for getting this ‘information’ information stuck in my head. Reason being, the correct way to use it in a sentence is exactly how Phoebe used it: That IS brand new information — singular.

8. I wish I could, but I don’t want to.

Friends scene: The legendary Phoebe strikes again. In the first season, Phoebe comes up with the ultimate excuse not to do something she doesn’t want.

Catchphrase breakdown: Not only that this is a useful excuse (and the most honest) but nobody will get mad at you anymore thanks to Phoebe — she has allowed us to be ourselves and learn to say No. Also, she has taught us how to apply our knowledge of modal verbs, specifically ‘could’. ‘Could’ is used to express possibility, to politely ask questions as well as in conditionals.

9. He’s her lobster.

Friends scene: Long time before Rachel got off the plane, Phoebe already predicted that Ross is her soulmate. In Phoebe’s words — He’s her lobster. Why? Because lobsters mate for life and hold claws inside their tanks forever. So cute!

Catchphrase breakdown: You might have known all the domestic animals, but Phoebe’s explanation of lobsters will help you remember this animal forever. It is also very cute to use it the context of soulmate, which I frequently do with my friends.

10. They don’t know that we know they know we know.

Friends scene: This confusing catchphrase came to life when Monica and Chandler were hiding their relationship, but Phoebe and Rachel found out and the four of them started playing games on each other pushing the other two to confess that they know. Naturally, at one point, Monica says that Phoebe and Rachel don’t know that Monica and Chandler know that Phoebe and Rachel know… I’m lost now.

Catchphrase breakdown: If you understand this sentence at first listen, you can say that your English listening comprehension has achieved the highest level. But if not, this is a good way to practice usage of ‘That’. For example, I know that you have a lot of homework that needs to be done by Monday.

11. He’s so pretty, I want to cry.

Friends scene: The one when Rachel has the biggest crush on Joshua. Fun fact: Tate Donovan, the actor playing Joshua was in a relationship with Jennifer Aniston at the time.

When she explains his physic to her friends, being a cutie she is, she says he’s so pretty it will make her cry.

Catchphrase breakdown: Great way of explaining how you feel about someone. You can adapt it to explain how something makes you feel, or someone. For example, This is so ugly, I want to cry.

12. Hence…

Friends scene: The episode where everything is changing. Ross is moving in with his girlfriend, Joey said Hence…

Catchphrase breakdown: Why it was so strange to hear the word ‘hence’ from Joey? Because it’s a bit too fancy for him. It’s a more formal way of saying ‘so’. Hence means ‘as a consequence, for this reason’. Example: He doesn’t know that she will come, hence we have to be careful not to tell him.

13. I’m curvy and I like it!

Friends scene: Adorable Joey defending his curvy look in front of Rachel’s sister who is telling him not to eat junk food.

Catchphrase breakdown: Curvy usually refers to natural curves that women have. It’s a great phrase to endorse positive body image, so note this one down and don’t be afraid to say it.

14. My eyes!

Friends scene: The moment Phoebe and Rachel caught Monica and Chandler who were hiding their relationship (before the chaos with ‘they know that we know that we don’t know or something’). When Phoebe sees them, she covers her eyes and starts yelling ‘My eyes, my eyes!’

Catchphrase breakdown: Now, I know that you know what eyes are. But apart from the usual expression such as ‘Oh My God’ or ‘Wow’, when you get shocked by something, you can use Phoebe’s way of coping with the shocking news.

15. I’m breezy.

Friends scene: Remember when Monica was with Richard? ‘I’m breezy’ came to life when she was still recovering from their break up and left an embarrassing message on his answering machine trying to be breezy. But she ended up saying the phrase ‘I’m breezy’ which is totally the opposite of being breezy.

Catchphrase breakdown: To be breezy — to be relaxed or chill. You might not want to say this about yourself, but you can say this about someone else or you can try to be breezy in uncomfortable situations. Even though I know how hard it is sometimes, especially if you have a Richard of your own…

16. Joey doesn’t share food.

Friends scene: The one where Joey goes on a date. Shocker, right? Well, this time his date tries to take the fries from his plate. In his defense, he did try to tell her to order her own fries, but she just woudn’t listen. Not being able to let go of his fries, he yells at her: ‘Joey doesn’t share food!’

Catchphrase breakdown: If you are as big food lover as Joey, this one is for you. You now know how to explain that feeling in English too. But if not, it is certainly useful to know the expression. To share food with someone = to have food at the same time with someone else.

17. It’s a moo point.

Friends scene: The scene where Rachel has some boyfriend issues and her good friend Joey helps her by asking if that guy likes her at all, because if not, it is all ‘a moo point, like cow’s opinion, it doesn’t matter’.

Catchphrase breakdown: Joey has indeed provided us with a very colorful definition of a moo point. However, I’m afraid he misheard it, because the right way to say it is ‘a moot point’. If you choose Joey’s version, you will definitely be the sunshine of your group, because this always cracks people up (people who are fans of Friends especially).

18. He must decide, he must decide, even though I made him up, he must decide…

Friends scene: This is one of the most intense songs Phoebe has ever written. It’s about the love triangle between Ross, Rachel and Julie when Ross has to, well, decide.

Catchphrase breakdown: What can we learn from this catchprase? Let’s start with ‘must’ meaning ‘be obliged to’. You can also use a less intense version and say ‘He should decide’. Then, you can learn a very useful phrase and that is ‘even though’. This means ‘despite the fact’.

19. I got off the plane.

Friends scene: Last episode of Friends when Rachel got on the plane to Paris for her ideal work opportunity. She ends up by getting off the plane to be with Ross. Amazing moment!

Catchphrase breakdown: Note down this expression, because you will definitely need it. When you travel abroad, you get on the plane, you travel for few hours and then you get off the plane.

20. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?

Friends scene: Chandler admits he is not very good advice giver so he proposes another solution. To share a sarcastic comment. He is quite good with those.

Catchphrase breakdown: When you have some house guests and you want to be the best host ever, you can say to them: Can I interest you in a cup of coffee? Very fancy!

21. Unagi is a state of total awareness.

Friends scene: Ross wants to educate Rachel and Phoebe on the importance of unagi, as they have started going to karate lessons at this episode. According to Ross, it is not enough to know karate, you have to know unagi too.

Catchphrase breakdown: If you want to learn everything Ross has to say about Unagi, you should definitely go ahead and watch the entire episode named exactly The One With Unagi — 6th season, episode 17. You will also learn that Unagi actually means an eel. But I will totally understand if you choose Ross’ definition.

22. I’m fine!

Friends scene: When Ross finds about Rachel and Joey’s secret relationship, he tries to convince everyone that he is fine by repeating that he is fine many times, which of course makes us think he is not fine at all.

Catchphrase breakdown: To be fine is very good to know when you want to chitchat in English. When someone asks Hey, how are you? ‘I am fine’ is a great way to respond. Even when it’s not true sometimes…

23. You Americans always butcher the French language.

Friends scene: Have you ever heard of Neslee Toulouse? And how about Nestle Tollhouse? Well, Monica realizes that Phoebe’s grandmother recipe is fake by recognizing the ‘French’ name. Phoebe, a French fluent speaker, tells her not to butcher the French language with her American accent. Few moments later, she comes to conclusion that her grandmother was lying all along.

Catchphrase breakdown: If you are a beginner in English, this is probably the first time you hear the verb ‘to butcher’. It means ‘to slaughter, to cut up’. It usually refers to animal meat, so people who do this for a living are called ‘butchers’.

24. Smelly cat, it’s not your fault.

Friends scene: The most popular song in the show. Of course, it’s one of Phoebe’s song. Being an animal lover she is, the song is about a smelly cat.

Catchphrase breakdown: Smelly cat song has more lyrics, but I’ve chosen the ‘it’s not your fault’ part as it’s a good phrase to know. You can use ‘it’s not your fault’ when you want to comfort someone and tell them that they are not to blame for something that has happened.

25. What did I marry into?

Friends scene: This is the scene when Monica and Ross realize that they kissed each other on the mouth when they were in High School. The incident happened due to a dark room, I guess. Chandler naturally gets totally disgusted and yells ‘What did I marry into!?’

Catchphrase breakdown: If you disregard the awful picture of a brother and a sister kissing, you will see how useful this expression is. ‘To marry into’ means to become a member of one’s family by marrying them.

That’s it! At least until the next big anniversary. Now go ahead and practice your new skills by binge-watching this amazing TV show. I know I will!

Until next time, let me know how you liked my language learning compilation! Thank you for reading!



Andrijana Ikonić

I am a writer. Also, quite a big fan of movies and binge-watching.