Apple’s 4.3 “Design: Spam” nightmare

Andriy Gordiychuk
6 min readDec 11, 2019


4.3 is a clause contained in App Store Review Guidelines which states

Don’t create multiple Bundle IDs of the same app. If your app has different versions for specific locations, sports teams, universities, etc., consider submitting a single app and provide the variations using in-app purchase. Also avoid piling on to a category that is already saturated; the App Store has enough fart, burp, flashlight, and Kama Sutra apps, etc. already. Spamming the store may lead to your removal from the Developer Program.

The rule existed for a long time, but Apple started actively enforcing it starting in 2017. Although unfortunately, actively is not the right word. Selectively, sadly, is a more appropriate term.

I am going to outline my personal experience dealing with this issue and all the frustration associated with it. I honestly do not want this piece to be anti-Apple. While dealing with problems surrounding these rejections, I have got in touch with some incredibly helpful people from Apple’s Developer Relations team who did help us to make sure that all required transitions are as smooth as possible.

However, while they have many great people, the experience surrounding this clause is terrible. Mainly, because App Review fails miserably to enforce it uniformly. And, on top of this, they give no way for developers affected by this clause to highlight competitors, who should also be looked at.

It may take years before they enforce the rules uniformly, even if you highlight competitors who violate. In our case, two years have passed, and we still have competitors who are not forced to abide by this rule. The net result is a completely distorted market with no way for developers to ensure that competition is fair. One can only guess what this may lead to.

Initial rejections due to 4.3 clause violations

At Theory Test Revolution, we build apps which help people pass their UK theory test. There are 5 different vehicle categories in the UK and hence 5 theory test exams. Naturally, we were covering all of these with different apps. Moreover, in 2017, we had even more apps as there were free and paid versions. That brings us to a total count of 10 apps.

However, as there is a second part to UK theory test called “Hazard Perception Test”, we also shipped a bundled app for each vehicle category. For example, Car Theory Test + Hazard Perception and so on. In total, there were 16 apps. It looked similar to what one of our competitors has today:

App composition which violates Apple’s 4.3 review guideline

Back in 2017, I thought that such a picture was OK. Nowadays, I do understand why Apple wants to reduce such clutter.

In 2017 one of our updates got rejected, and it was the first time that we heard of the 4.3 clause. I was utterly puzzled. Fortunately, a member of Apple’s Developer Relations team got in touch with me and explained what the purpose of it was. After speaking with him, I did realise that the picture above was wrong.

After some time, I got back to Apple. I suggested a consolidation plan — we were prepared to remove all paid apps from the sale, leaving only free versions aimed at different vehicle categories. All of the content inside of the apps would be sold as in-app purchases instead. It meant that we were reducing the number of our theory test apps from 16 to just 6.

6 theory test apps instead of 16

This model was in place for two years and served us well.

Recent rejections

However, recently, our updates received rejections again, and Apple now demands that we finally merge all apps into one. This time, however, it is not unexpected. After all, it was apparent to us that sooner or later, this time would come given Apple’s stance on the matter. Unfortunately for us, it came sooner than we expected.

As in 2017, we were given a grace period during which we were permitted to update our apps. Unfortunately, we consumed this period without finding a model which would offset the inevitable loss of organic traffic. We placed a lot of confidence on promoted in-app purchases, but they are not working as well as we expected.

Unequal treatment on the App Store

However, our struggles to find a new model is not a real subject of this post. After all, we will find it as our apps are genuinely great :)

What concerned us much more during these years is how selective Apple’s stance on this issue is. Remember this image below?

That’s more or less what we had in 2017 as well. However, we were forced to reduce the number of our apps back then. As to our competitors — they still experience no issues updating their apps! And we are not talking about just one competitor — there are several such companies.

I do understand that Apple is a big company, and they cannot ensure universal enforceability of their rules. However, we are not talking about months — we are talking about a period of two years. What’s more important is that we did write to Apple about our competitors. We emailed our contacts at Apple Developer Relations team and we used the Notes section during app submission to pinpoint their apps. We even filed reports for their apps manually through App Store. All to no avail.

I have no idea why this is happening. We had several such competitors, so it is a systemic problem. The only possible explanation I may have is that the App Review process is not random. Our apps are not reviewed by the same people. Instead, there are probably different pools of reviewers. Our apps happen to be reviewed by people who had extensive training on 4.3 rule, and their apps are reviewed by people who missed the training :)

Whatever the reason is — the problem is real, and I hope that Apple tackles it as soon as possible. Developers shouldn’t be waiting for years to see equal treatment on the App Store!

December 11, 2019 update

Recently, we submitted an update to the App Store, which got rejected again for the same reason. Only this time — we had only one app left in the store. Was it just some lazy or overworked reviewer who noticed a 4.3 flag on our file and decided to reject our app as spam even though there was no reason for doing so? I have no idea. However, the ironic part is that our competitors who have 16 apps updated five of their apps two days ago without any issues.

Why is Apple doing this and why are they so bad at ensuring that we all play by the same rules? I have no idea; you’d have to ask them. As I mentioned at the beginning of this post — I’ve got in touch with many helpful people from the Developer Relations team. Unfortunately, while all of them were eager to discuss and work with us on our case, they did not use the information which we provided about our competition.

P.S. Second part of our saga is now vailable.

