Compose Multipreview Templates: Enhancing UI Development in Android Studio

2 min readJul 21, 2023

Compose Multipreview Templates are a new addition to Android Studio Hedgehog that empowers developers to preview multiple configurations of a Composable in various device configurations, themes, and locales simultaneously. This feature significantly enhances the existing Compose Preview feature, which allows developers to preview their Composable UI within the Android Studio IDE.

The Functionality of Compose Multipreview Templates

With Compose Multipreview Templates, developers can preview their Composable UI in multiple configurations concurrently. This feature enables developers to visualize how their UI will appear on different device screens, in different orientations, and under different themes and locales, all without the need to run the app on an emulator or a physical device.

To utilize this feature, developers can use the @Preview annotation in their Composable functions. When you open your Composable function in Android Studio, you'll see a preview of your UI in all the configurations you've defined.

The Impact of Compose Multipreview Templates

Compose Multipreview Templates are a revolutionary tool for Android developers. They significantly…




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