Is Your Website Retina Ready?

3 min readJun 15, 2017


In this article Is Your Website Retina Ready?, we are gonna take a look at what is retina ready website and what are the technical terms like Retina Ready Websites. In UI Designing the Retina Ready Design is the recent trend, which shows our product more unique among the millions of Websites.


As first the Retina is introduced when the iPhone4 was launched by the Apple. This is a term based on Resolution of the devices and the PPI(Pixels Per Inch).

So what does the term ‘Retina-ready’ actually mean?

An actual display size of the iPhone 6 is 750 X 1334 px. In this resolution, in an optimal viewing distance will disturb the users, so technology was branded retina display.

Actually the Retina screens are 2x maximum than the normal screen resolutions which means the normal screen occupies the 100 x 100 px for an element, then the retina screen is 200 x 200 px.

The above image will shows how the normal screen and the Retina Screen is differed. In general or in simple there is depth of the screen is change and the quality is increased.

For explain this you may take an example of the mobile camera measuring unit called Mega Pixels. Few of the latest devices having some advanced technology than the Mega Pixels. We all know if the Mega pixel increase then the clarity of the image and video quality also increased.

If you wanna more clear example then take a video with different resolution. And consider your desktop resolution is 1366 x 960 px, first view the lower resolution and then see some better quality video and finally see the high definition video.

Now you can feel the difference of the resolution in various quality. The Retina Ready display is not available on the display devices. It only available in the limited devices like Apple’s iMac, Google Nexus 6, Samsung Galaxy S8, iPhone 6S and few more.

Is Your Website Retina Ready?

The retina is a texhnology that will make the devices so cool and more comfortable then the normal LCD and LED displays. And one more term we have to remember is Physical Pixel Dimension(s). Which is used to measures the depth and density of the screen.

The following chat will explains the different kind of screens with different resolutions and shows the better quality among the screens.

So one thing we have to mind, Why the PPI does vary so Much? The answer is viewing distance of the user. Yes the viewing distance between the device and the user varies very much, so it affects the screen and the quality of the screen.

In this Is Your Website Retina Ready?, the main goal is to understand what Retina Ready design and devices. As a good web designer/developer, Here we have to consider different PPI devices and various dimension devices. So here you may find something informative we hope.

Each and every day there is lots of technology updates are happen around the internet world. So as a Designer / Developer we should always ready to learn and explore the new things. So far this Is Your Website Retina Ready? article will helps you to know something about Retina and HiDPI devices. We will bring you some more excellent technologies in the upcoming articles.

