Speed dating and World Café :

Andromache Efstathiou
1 min readMay 20, 2018


Speed dating and world café are two methodologies in which we have the chance to get feedback easily and interactively for our website, PhiloxeniAthens. We are a team consisted by 5 girls aiming to create a website which will provide tours by local guides. In this process, every member of our team joined another group and presented in detail our website idea in order to earn feedback.

In every round our role was changing. We had to become a producer, a questioner and then an observer.

At first, I was a producer. As a producer I had to present the idea of my website within 3 minutes. The restricted time of my presentation made me focus on the important elements and learn how to be laconic in my speech. I tried to become understandable and comprehensive in simple words and not expanding my speech. Also I had the chance to get useful feedback from the other members which really helped me subsequently.

Later I had questioner duties, in which I was asking the other teams about their company and giving them feedback. I found this role really interesting because I learned how to make targeted questions in order to find out the positive and negative facts of their project. In addition I was gaining feedback, through their answers, for my website.

In the end I was the observer of the group. I found difficulty in being unable to interrupt the conversation to solve my questions, but I learned how to practice my hearing and writing.



Andromache Efstathiou

Studying Communication, Mass media & Culture - Panteion University