My experience building an iOS App with the help of Chat GPT-4 (Intro)

Andrzej Ryl
2 min readApr 26, 2023


Hello there! My name is Andrew and I’m the co-founder of Uncover: a bookish app that changes the way people interact with books.
I’ve been an Android developer for almost 10 years now and I’ve seen many crazy solutions that people implement just to get the job done.

What I’m about to do might be the craziest thing I’ve ever pulled in my career 😂 and you will be here to witness it.

What’s the idea?

The idea is pretty simple. I have a working Android application connected to my own Python backend. It currently has around 2k users but the real target audience uses iPhones… and that’s where the problem starts. I’ve never coded for iOS. At first (when I was a starving student) it was because you had to pay $99/year to be an iOS developer, then it was Objective-C which scared me, then I saw storyboards and that scared me even more…

But right now, with Swift and Swift-UI, iOS doesn’t look that scary. And that got me thinking…

I decided to try out Chat GPT-4 as my own personal iOS development trainer and use it to actually recreate entire Uncover app on iOS platform using technologies close to the ones I’m using on Android. I know this sounds like an impossible task but I kinda want to try and see what happens. I already did some initial “testing” and it looked weirdly promising.

Starting today I will be posting every 2 weeks with my update on how I’m doing. Wish me luck!

Here is the second article in the series!



Andrzej Ryl

I've been an Android developer since 2014. Currently I'm an Android team lead in my day job and working on my own personal project after hours. Huge dog lover