How I got a taste of mass surveillance

Protection is good, it can stop us from doing harmful things, and save us from being tricked by fraudsters, but having our bank accounts and lives picked apart behind our backs, gives you a “spied-upon” feeling.

5 min readOct 26, 2018

A few days ago I started receiving e-mails from Netflix that were telling me I needed to update my payment method because they couldn’t bill me my last payment to my credit card. As a vigilant person, I ignored those emails, because: hey, that’s the way scammers and fraudsters work right? They send you a mail saying “something went wrong, please follow this link”, and then you naively enter your credit card data on a fraudsters site and get scammed out of a lot of money…

So I did what everyone should do, delete that email and feel good about myself not falling into a scam…

But yesterday evening it turned out it wasn’t a scam. My girlfriend logged in to our Netflix account, and the service was denied. Bye-bye Netflix, bye-bye good evening vibes, hello angry girlfriend who was getting ready to bring the apocalypse to the world.

Doing what every good boyfriend is supposed to do, I updated the payment method (credit card not working, so different payment…




Content creator; Founder of SuccessofChange; ex-founder of Edge Analysis Inc.; Dreamer all the way