Another Republican for Beshear: Former GOP Mayor of Somerset Endorses Beshear/Coleman Ticket

Andy Beshear
2 min readAug 20, 2019

The Beshear/Coleman campaign is announcing the endorsement of former Mayor of Somerset, Republican Eddie Girdler.

Recently, Republican State Senator Dan Seum announced that he was crossing party lines to support Andy Beshear for governor, among other “Republicans for Andy Beshear and Jacqueline Coleman.”

Former Republican Mayor of Somerset Eddie Girdler, said in a video: “I’m a lifetime Republican. I was elected three terms as mayor for the great city of Somerset. Today, I’m proud to announce my support for Andy Beshear for governor of the state of Kentucky. Andy believes in the same things that I do. He believes that we should treat people with respect and dignity in our educational system. We should uphold our teachers, and we should promote good-paying jobs throughout our commonwealth. I ask for your support and commitment to Andy Beshear for governor for the state of Kentucky.”

Andy Beshear said, “Kentuckians — including Democrats, Republicans, and Independents — are unifying behind our positive vision to expand access to affordable health care and improve public education because it will lift up working families in every region of Kentucky. While Matt Bevin insults teachers and looks out for special interests, Jacqueline and I care about getting results that will make life better for all of our people. I’m thankful to have the endorsement of Mayor Eddie Girdler.”



Andy Beshear

Father · Husband · Son · Attorney General and candidate for Governor of Kentucky. Together we can return honor, decency and transparency to Frankfort.