Beshear/Coleman Gains Endorsement of United Mine Workers of America

Andy Beshear
2 min readAug 6, 2019

The Beshear/Coleman campaign is announcing the endorsement of the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) Coal Miners Political Action Council.

UMWA represents 10,000 workers and retirees across Kentucky — especially in eastern and western Kentucky. Beshear met with leaders of UMWA in Kentucky at a labor luncheon in Paducah on Friday.

Cecil E. Roberts, International President of the United Mine Workers of America, said: “Our coal miners and their families are facing unprecedented challenges, and it’s important Kentucky has a governor who will look out for their concerns when it comes to health care, jobs and retirements. We are confident Andy Beshear will be a governor who puts our workers first and gets the job done.”

Andy Beshear said, “I’m honored to have the trust and support of the United Mine Workers of America and the working families they represent. Coal miners work hard and deserve our respect. They also deserve a governor who fights for policies that will give them a fair shot to support their families and get ahead. That’s exactly what I’ll deliver as governor.”

Steve Earle, Vice President of UMWA District 12, stated: “We enthusiastically have Andy’s back because we know he’ll be a governor who has ours. Matt Bevin looks out for the well-funded special interests even if it costs our families in eastern and western Kentucky. This race is about dinner table issues, and Andy Beshear is the leader who cares about our workers and getting the results that will actually fix the problems leaving working people behind.”



Andy Beshear

Father · Husband · Son · Attorney General and candidate for Governor of Kentucky. Together we can return honor, decency and transparency to Frankfort.