Beshear/Coleman Response to RGA’s Desperate Smears About Andy Beshear’s Record on Fighting for Affordable Health Care

Andy Beshear
2 min readSep 6, 2019

The Beshear/Coleman campaign is responding to a new advertisement from Matt Bevin’s backers that desperately tries to smear Andy Beshear’s strong record of fighting to lower the cost of health care for working families and protect coverage for Kentuckians with pre-existing conditions.

In fact, Andy Beshear has his own comprehensive health care plan that would codify into state law protections for people with pre-existing conditions. Beshear’s plan would also lower the cost of prescription drugs and strengthen Medicaid. As attorney general, Beshear has fought to protect coverage for people with pre-existing conditions and taken on the big drug companies that jack up the price of insulin and price gouge families.

Meanwhile, Matt Bevin has signed onto a lawsuit to let insurance companies deny essential coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, like mental health services, prescription drug coverage, and maternity care, among others. If Bevin gets his way, the American Medical Association said it would “revive pre-existing condition discrimination.” Bevin also supports policies that would gut protections for pre-existing conditions and destroy Medicaid expansion, which has expanded health care for hundreds of thousands of Kentuckians.

“No amount of desperate smears from Matt Bevin’s allies will let this governor escape his failed record of trying to rip health care away from Kentuckians,” said Beshear/Coleman Spokesperson Sam Newton. “While Andy Beshear has a real plan to expand health care and a proven record of fighting to protect coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, another four years of Matt Bevin’s harmful policies would be devastating for working families falling behind and rural hospitals struggling to stay open. Health care is on the ballot this governor’s race — and Andy Beshear is the only candidate who can be trusted to do right by Kentucky families.”

Recently, Beshear launched his own TV ad on health care highlighting his record of fighting to protect health care for people with pre-existing conditions.



Andy Beshear

Father · Husband · Son · Attorney General and candidate for Governor of Kentucky. Together we can return honor, decency and transparency to Frankfort.