Beshear Picks Up Endorsement from International Union of Operating Engineers Local 181

Andy Beshear
2 min readJun 8, 2019

The Beshear/Coleman campaign is announcing an endorsement from the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 181 out of Henderson.

IUOE Local 181 has 4,250 members across Kentucky.

In recent weeks, working families have unified behind the Beshear/Coleman ticket, including endorsements from the Kentucky State AFL-CIO, UAW in Kentucky, IBEW Local 369, and the Jefferson County Teachers Association.

Beshear is set to meet with IUOE Local 181 in Louisville today to formally accept the endorsement.

“I’m proud to have the trust and support of the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 181,” said Andy Beshear. “When Kentuckians work hard, they should be able to get ahead and earn a good living for their family. But under Matt Bevin, things have only gotten worse for workers, while his cronies and out-of-state CEOs continue to benefit. I’ll put working families first by fighting to increase access to affordable health care, improve our public schools, and create more jobs that pay good wages.”

David Gray, Business Manager of IUOE Local 181 said, “We’re endorsing Andy Beshear for governor because he’ll fight for working people throughout all of Kentucky. We can count on Andy to do what’s right for workers, like creating better paying jobs and supporting prevailing wage protections that increase paychecks.”



Andy Beshear

Father · Husband · Son · Attorney General and candidate for Governor of Kentucky. Together we can return honor, decency and transparency to Frankfort.