Which Starbucks drink has the most sugar?

Andy Carven
1 min readSep 22, 2023

The Venti Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino® Blended Beverage has the most sugar of all Starbucks drinks at a whopping 80 grams. You can stop reading now.

To put this in context, here are some numbers.

  • Recommended daily amount of sugar — 30g
  • A slice of cheesecake — 20g
  • A normal 51g mars bar — 31g
  • A 330ml can of coke — 35g

You can see this tasty autumn Frappuccino smashes these out of the park with 80g of sugar (the Grande has 65g). It is a testament to the strength and resilience of the human body that it is able to not only absorb such an assault, but enjoy it. I won’t go on a self-righteous rant about how excessive sugar intake makes you feel tired and anxious and gives you diabetes. We’re free human beings and it is our right to experience the deadly euphoria of delicious sugary treats if we want to. But you should know the Starbucks Frappuccinos are not normal milkshakes. These are some of the strongest hits of sugar on the market. Stay safe. And when the fun stops, stop.


  • The UK Pumpkin Frappuccino is slightly less deadly than the American version, with 63.5g of sugar in the Venti and 51.3g in the Grande.



Andy Carven

Software engineer. Mental health researcher. Musician. Trail runner.