Why I Chose Accounting

Andy Chan
3 min readNov 27, 2023


I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to share a transformative journey that has shaped my career aspirations and led me to a field I never thought I would find myself in.

Upon my arrival at Hunter College, my initial ambition was to pursue a career in healthcare. Coming from a family of dedicated medical professionals, I held deep admiration for their sacrifices and the unwavering commitment they showed to their patients. To all the healthcare workers, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for the tireless efforts you put forth each day to keep us all healthy.

However, my path took an unexpected turn when I encountered the formidable challenge of Organic Chemistry, a notorious “weed out” course for aspiring medical professionals. Despite my persistent efforts, success in the course remained elusive. The struggle led me to a period of self-reflection, during which I received invaluable support from my family. Many encouraged me to persevere in my pursuit of healthcare.

In a serendipitous moment, I came across a small flyer on the bulletin board advertising an accounting orientation on Zoom. Accounting, a career I had never envisioned for myself, seemed to offer a potential alternative. Despite preconceived notions, I decided to take the plunge and attend the orientation. It was a decision that would alter the course of my life.

The accounting orientation proved to be an eye-opening experience. I discovered that accounting serves as the language of business, akin to the complex medical terminology used by healthcare professionals. Contrary to my initial beliefs, accounting presented itself as a dynamic field with myriad opportunities. Businesses worldwide rely on accountants to navigate financial intricacies, manage resources, and make informed investment decisions.

As I delved deeper into the world of accounting, I realized its profound impact on everyday life. From budgeting and grocery lists to routine purchases, accounting principles underpin many aspects of our daily activities. Recognizing the nationwide shortage of accountants and the prevalent lack of financial literacy, I felt a calling to contribute to empowering individuals with essential financial knowledge.

Money and finances, once infrequently discussed in my household, became subjects I yearned to understand and share openly. Motivated by a desire to bridge the gap in financial literacy, I submitted my major declaration form and joined the Marketing committee at the Accounting Society of Hunter College.

As an aspiring accountant, my mission is to instill confidence in others regarding their finances. I aim to foster financial literacy, ensuring my clients feel empowered and comfortable discussing their financial concerns. Trust, a cornerstone in the field of accounting, is something I hold paramount.

To my fellow accounting majors, I am proud to call you family. To the accountants and auditors tirelessly contributing to the field, I extend my sincere gratitude for your dedication. To everyone navigating uncertainties about the future, remain observant and open, as opportunities may arise when least expected.

In closing, I express my gratitude to the Hunter College community for providing an environment that encourages exploration and self-discovery. May our collective journeys inspire others to embrace unforeseen opportunities and chart new paths towards fulfilling careers.




Andy Chan

Andy is a Peer Fellow and Junior accounting student at Hunter College. In his leisure, he indulges in espresso while crafting meaningful works.