3 reasons why public speaking in 2018 is important!

Andy Harrington
4 min readApr 27, 2018


I believe that good communication is one of the most important basic skills every person should have. You don’t need to be an entrepreneur and it doesn’t matter what sector or industry you’re in, absolutely everyone should strive to attain this life skill. Communication is used in all areas of your everyday life, written or verbal, it’s just one of those things that you can’t escape.

Now, when looking into various communication methods you’ll find public speaking. Public speaking is a physical and direct form of communication but as important as it is, so many people shy away from it failing to realise its benefits so hide behind emails, newsletters or marketing campaigns as their only channel to persuade people that what they have to offer is worth investing in.

The idea of public speaking is understandably daunting, having to win over a bunch of strangers so it’s no wonder why most people stay away from it. However, the unfortunate thing for those individuals is that they miss out on the one skill that can positively change the direction of their journey and impact their success immensely, from securing a job or investors, to increasing sales and building brand awareness.

There are just countless reasons why you should consider this communication technique and get into public speaking but here are my top 3:

1. Winning over the crowd

Public speaking is a great opportunity to win over a crowd. Look at it this way, the crowd you’re speaking to are in fact your potential clients. It’s almost a make or break moment. You have the chance to pretty much sell yourself. Introduce yourself to the crowd so they can get to know you, build some sort of trust and credibility with them. Being able to persuade your audience that you are worth the investment and they should trust you by telling your personal story. Public speaking is a great avenue for this to happen, they see you live in action and you are able to create a deeper connection with your audience by applying story-telling secrets, tonality and more. It provides the chance to express to a crowd why a particular product, service, idea or even yourself would be beneficial to them as well as allowing you to put potential customers at rest by touching on any enquiries or concerns they might have. You pretty much have the power to directly influence people to buy your product or service.

2. To Motivate people

Great public speakers have the ability to push people to either do something, stop something, reach a goal or drop bad habits. Platforms for public speaking makes room for this. Being able to encourage your crowd to take an action through testimonials or live figures of how your personal framework or technique has change your life and the life of your clients. Seeing is believing, public speaking therefore is your chance to show your audience that making the specified change or action in their lives is the right move to make. As a public speaker, you need to convey how passionate and driven you are, inspiring them to be driven in their own personal endeavours also.

3. To inform

I believe that public speaking is one of the best ways to get your message across. Whilst other communication methods like social media marketing, ads and email campaigns is effective, there’s no doubt that physical and personal communication is far more impactful in getting a message out there to a large audience. This is why public speaking is a game changer. It allows you to inform people of who you are and/or what you are doing on a more personal and direct level. It is an opportunity for you to spark new interests and make people who had no idea who the hell you are wonder how they survived their whole life without you thus far.

I enjoy being a public speaker and can honestly say, my life continued to get better and better when I realised it’s importance and began to present. If public speaking is something you’re interested in and would love to get into, you might want to learn more about my Professional Speakers Academy, an intense training incubator for producing world-class speaking talent! Lean more about PSA here: https://www.andyharrington.com/event/professional-speakers-academy/

As always, let’s connect on social media and feel free to let me know what public speaking means to you and how it has changed your life!

Facebook: @Jetsetspeaker

