Here are the 4 best iPhone Apps for Memorizing Lines

Andy Tan
2 min readMay 3, 2020

Disclaimer: I am currently working on Read Thru, an application to help actors with script rehearsal.

You know the feeling. You’ve been staring at this script after rehearsal, going through it over and over, and the lines just aren’t sticking with you.

Memorizing lines is no different from any other skill, it takes time. Luckily there are apps to help us through the process. Here’s a quick rundown of my favorite offerings in the App Store while I was working on Read Thru.

1. Rehearsal Pro

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Perhaps the most well-known rehearsal app with a notable initial price of twenty dollars. Rehearsal Pro covers the widest variety of usages. The app lets you add physical scripts, highlight scenes, and record lines as needed. This is a great choice for a comprehensive offering of features.

2. Read Thru

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Read Thru is my freemium app focused on the record and playback aspect of rehearsal, quickly records and transcribes your lines in any language to the familiar messaging interface for playback. This interface comes with two modes: one to prompt and help with memorization and one to, like the name indicates, read through. The natural interaction makes this app easy to pick up and practice on the go from any line in the scene.

3. LineLearner

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LineLearner offers both a free “LineLearnerLite” and paid “LineLearner” app with the full set of functionality if the initial experience was enjoyable. The app offers multiple play repetition options for both individual scenes as well as entire plays.

4. Learn Your Lines

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Learn your lines takes a more gamified approach to line learning. The user starts by entering their desired lines. From here, Learn Your Lines creates a series of flashcards revealing more of your inputted text as you progress. This experience is ideal for memorizing monologues.

