5 min readDec 7, 2018


I know that I shouldn’t mingle in this, in my best interest I should just “shrug my shoulders” say “meh, whatever” and move on. But in contrast to my better judgment, I can not.

Questioning the fact that Hitler was a nationalist (and expansionist to boot) and then putting him on the same level of Gandhi (who was peacefully protesting the colonizing power, ow yeah the UK by the way) is not something that should be lightly taken.

First of all, Hitler was a lot but definitely not a socialist or a globalist for that matter, he envisioned a Third Reich or maybe better stated Germania, which was based on expanding the “Lebensraum” of the Arian German people across Europe and Russia, submitting and enslaving the native people, who were considered at the utmost as 2nd ranking citizens.

There was nothing socialist about Hitler’s rule, if you weren’t fit to contribute, you didn’t deserve the light of day. If you were born disabled, you might as well not have been born at all, if you didn’t agree with his policy, then your neighbors were enticed to rat you out to the Gestapo.

The whole point of Hitler’s agenda was to establish a dictatorship in both Europe and by expansion Russia, he was waging war against Stalin (operation Barbarossa) and the communists, he built his rule around that, combatting socialism and communism.

The only nations that were spared from Hitler’s wrath when he was dominating the continent were Mussolini’s Italy and Franco’s Spane and the sole reason is that they had a mutual agenda. (For full disclosure, Mussolini wrote the book on Fascism and Nazism and more broadly dictatorship)

Comparing that to Gandhi, who was peacefully protesting the colonization and oppression by the Crown, your crown, by the way, is nothing short of willful ignorance and stupidity.

India has always been and to this day is a country, not your vassal. The nationalism of India, Australia, USA, Canada, Falkland Islands, Scotland, Ireland, … is not be confused with dictatorship. Brittania might have ruled the waves once, but it does not so now.

You are on an isle and you are on your way out, good luck, though I doubt good fortunes await but wait, we were talking socialism right?

I’ve read through what you wrote, be it diagonally, but I went through it (cut drinking, it’ll help you with typo’s and yes they stand out), but I couldn’t help but find the most obvious and downright out there statements for a bit of socialism bashing in your description.

You have, as you put it, OPTED, for a COMFORTABLE, RETIREMENT. (it’s there, don’t deny it, it’s there for everyone to see) (ahh yes -50..)

So now you basically are complaining about what?

You get a monthly pay, each and every month, without doing jack shit, it’s there, magically, poof…

You feel entitled to it because what, you are English or Brittish or I don’t know, a freeloader that just assumes that the ability to shit on English soil entitles him to piss on other people?

You cash in every month, there is no doubt about that, there is no way, whatsoever in which you can have contributed so much to society that said society is now indebted to you, so you can live your life freely without any concern. (if so, you would’ve added “Duke” to your name, or at least not mention “feel sad about me”)

Even better, you have OPTED for retirement, so in the first place, you were offered the privilege to retire, notably before 50! (in case you don’t know, at least 15 years in advance to most people)

But then it gets better, because of health problems and BURN OUT! So you justify your opting out of the workforce, aka contributing to society, by health problems and try to augment it by adding burn out. You sir, should be ashamed.

You should be so ashamed as that you never voice an opinion again.

While you comfort yourself with your retirement pay every month, which you opted (news flash, 99% don’t opt for retirement, they finally/hopefully get there one day) for and justify it by health problems and add burn out to boot, trying to get sympathy. Ignoring the fact that a burn out is, in fact, a symptom of failing mental health and plain old not seeing a way out and something that many are struggling with, is condescending.

The mere fact that you, you who are on retirement, who gets a contribution from every working citizen, who thinks that retirement -50 is something normal, trying to justify it with a sentence saying you have health problems and burn out, trying to justify help and support, but on the flip side of it, trying to burn anything socialist, sorry, but you do not deserve it.

You should, in line with your believes, not receive any benefits at all, no community should support you and you have no right to any entitlements.

If you are so convinced that anything socialist is bad, you should relinquish all of your benefits and not burden society anymore. The majority of people don’t get to OPT for retirement, they work ‘till they get there or crash and burn in process. You have the choice to contribute to society(YOU OPT-IN or OPT-OUT) the choice to contribute to help those who cannot help themselves, who don’t have the means to. You have the privilege of choice, you are not forced, you have the privilege, because what you deem an option, where you feel entitled, those are privileges where under your believes you had no right to whatsoever. If you truly feel that the left has done you wrong, please stay clear of any and all benefits you receive, wire your pension back to the state and pay your doctor fully without reclaiming any of it.

When deeming all left (as you put it: socialist) thoughts to hell, you should at least face the consequences.

You dear sir, are the rising example of why socialist engagements should not include everyone. Some people don’t deserve the benefits of sharing.

Leaches should be burned away, the fattest first.




Content creator; Founder of SuccessofChange; ex-founder of Edge Analysis Inc.; Dreamer all the way