My Top 5 Quick n’ Easy Post-Run Snacks

Andy De Santis RD MPH
2 min readNov 7, 2016


I am writing today’s article for two reasons:

1. It seems like more and more people are into running

2. Many people who run want to know what to eat after they run

I am going to keep it very simple today and operate under the assumption that you want a snack that is healthy, conducive to good recovery and also able to be prepared in no more than a minute or two.

My Top 5 Post-Run Snacks

Amounts will vary based on the individual and other contextual factors

1. Chocolate Milk + Banana: Protein, carbohydrates, electrolytes and a ton of vitamins/minerals with absolutely no preparation time. What else could you ask for post-run?

2. Milk + Cereal or Oatmeal or Granola Bar: Your favourite cereal , granola bar or a bowl of oatmeal prepared with milk ( or soy milk) is an ideal post workout snack.

3. Greek Yogurt with Berries: Greek yogurt with berries ( or any type of fruit) is a quick , easy and balanced snack. You could also just have a sweetened variety of Greek yogurt instead, but fruit is preferably.

4. Whole Grain Toast with eggs OR tuna OR hummus OR peanut butter: The options are limitless and provide everything you need for post-run recovery.

5. Fruit and Nuts/Seeds: For me, this is the ultimate healthy snack but may lack a bit in the protein department. Choose this one if you know you will be having a protein rich meal shortly after.

There you have it folks, nothing earth shattering but each of these five snacks will do the trick for you post-run.

Andy De Santis RD MPH



Andy De Santis RD MPH

I am a registered dietitian from Toronto, Canada. I also hold a master’s degree in public health. Check out my website for more nutrition content