Bad Actor Safari

Andy Walker
The Startup
Published in
6 min readOct 9, 2020


Understanding who is out to get you on the Internet

Photo by Clint Patterson on Unsplash

At various times I’ve worked on anti-abuse projects including on Google Maps and Search. I’ve run a team managing user identity. I’ve carried a pager for abuse and seen some of the terrible things people do to each other for profit or fun. Despite this, I don’t consider myself an expert in security (I’m lucky enough to have some friends who are) and the Internet scares me. This despite making a career out of it for over 20 years. As we increasingly realise that the tool we have created has taken on a darker existence it’s worth getting to know the people out there who are out to get you. For people building products — know you have a responsibility to protect your users from them. For people using the Internet understand it’s not all happy unicorns and candyfloss.

Firstly, abuse only happens for one of two reasons:

  1. There’s benefit to be made by doing so. This might be in the form of money, geopolitical influence or local influence.
  2. People consider it fun to do so. This might be boredom such as a room full of frat boys pretending to be a woman on a dating site or someone exploring what they can access on another system. Or something more sinister — such as paedophile rings, trolling or doxxing where the outcome is to cause suffering.



Andy Walker
The Startup

Interested in solving complex problems without complexity and self sustaining self improving organisations.