Helping Hands

Anees Shafique
3 min readApr 7, 2020



The Corona virus outbreak has affected the whole world at this time. But developing nations like Pakistan are adversely affected by this pandemic. Poverty is already high in Pakistan and a large number of people are hardly meeting their needs of life. Now due to this lockdown, these people are struggling to get even basic necessities of life. Therefore, We are starting a campaign to supply food and other necessities to needy people who can’t earn for themselves and their families due to lockdown situations and are not able to purchase food. The purpose of this small step is to support needy people during this difficult time.

Why we choose this:

Due to the COVID-19, everyone is stuck at their home. Businesses are closed, and people are not getting any work to earn for their basic necessities. Laborers and daily wagers are greatly affected by it. Food is the basic necessity of every human being and these days it is not available to a large number of poor people due to the current pandemic .Many people have not enough money or resources to buy their daily household things and food. So, we decided to make a foundation for needy people which aim to provide household things and food on a daily basis to as many families as we can.

The problem that’s we face:

The main problem to provide food to needy people is lockdown. To go outside of your own houses is very risky these days due to the COVID-19 as well as police blockade. The second main problem that will come in our way is how to get funds. As we know, no one is going to their jobs and in this situation; most people will refuse us for donation.

How we solve them:

We are taking all precautionary measures whenever we are going outside to purchase or deliver food and other basic things for needy families. For fund generation, we are approaching our relatives and neighbors to make some contribution in this project by making them realize that it is the right time for charity.

How we get fund:

Every member of the group is collecting funds on an individual basis from his/her relatives, friends, and neighbors. In addition to that we are using social media to generate funds from other people as well.

How we purchase and deliver food:

During the lockdown, Pakistani Government has allowed shops to open from 9 am to 5 pm. We can purchase and basic necessities l for daily uses like flour,milk, vegetables etc. and some necessary things to protect against Coronavirus like soap, sanitizer, masks.

Task division among group members:

Due to lockdown, we have decided that each member of the circle will perform the tasks independently. Each member is individually responsible to collect funds, to purchase the food and other basic things, and to provide these things to the deserving people in the areas around them.

Progress made so far:

Each member of the circle is individually under process of collecting funds and identifying needy families. Within two to three days we will purchase ration (food and other necessities) and will supply these to people.

