10 ways that good UI design helps the day to day work of modern Marketers

Alex Nejako
4 min readAug 9, 2023


Image from Free Stock photos by Vecteezy

After having worked in the User Interfaces of a variety of Marketing Automation and CRM platforms over 20 years and supported Users across different departments in a number of industries, it’s clear to me that a good User Interface design can really help in the day to day work of the modern Marketer.

User Interface design goes back decades, before the advent of CRM systems, and before Marketing Automation platforms were developed.

As it affects the day to day work of accountants, line managers, purchasing assistants, and other workers in the computer applications and systems they use every day — UI design affects the modern Marketer.

Here are 10 reasons I think this is so.

1.Intuitive Navigation: A clear and logically organized interface enables users to easily find the features they need. Even if a feature is used every day, having an intuitive navigation helps make it easier to find and use every day. Streamlined navigation also reduces the learning curve, allowing Marketers to dive into their campaigns without wasting time on searching for functionalities. If a Marketing Automation platform is not logically navigable, it may result in a lack of adoption by its Users — even if everything is working well under the surface.

2. Efficient Workflows: Good interface design optimizes workflows by presenting essential tools and options at the right time. Users can focus on their tasks without distractions, leading to increased productivity and better results. If a User is putting in a Request for a Marketing Piece, a good interface design helps them keep focused on the task at hand.

3. Visual Clarity: A visually appealing interface isn’t just pleasing to the eye; it also enhances comprehension. Well-chosen colors, typography, and icons contribute to a cohesive and user-friendly experience, making complex processes seem simple. Most modern Marketing automation platforms like HubSpot, for example, allow for some modification of the base colors for the platform interface — so that it reflects the particular company and appears similar to the other applications they use day to day. This helps reinforce that the Marketing Platform belongs in the overall company system infrastructure.

4. Consistency: Consistency in design elements across marketing automation software fosters familiarity. If the icon of a forward facing green arrow means proceed in one place, it also signifies proceed in another place. This visual consistency helps Users predict how different features behave, and can lead to a smoother experience and reducing the chances of errors and User confusion.

5. User-Centric Approach: Good interface design puts the User’s needs and goals first. Features and tools are designed with the User’s perspective in mind, resulting in a system that aligns seamlessly with their tasks and objectives.

6. Responsive Design: In the age of mobile technology, a responsive interface is essential. A well-designed interface adapts to various devices and screen sizes, ensuring that marketers can manage their campaigns on the go. For years, platforms like Aprimo, Twilio and HubSpot have emphasized how their functions are available across multiple platforms, including mobile — and a responsive interface is important to usablity. Aprimo in its latest versions, as evidenced in presentations from their YouTube channel, reflects a continued focus and investment into the interface and platform responding to User workflow and User expectations.

7. Clear Feedback and Guidance: Informative feedback helps users understand the outcome of their actions. Whether it’s a successful campaign launch or an error message, clear feedback guides users toward the correct course of action.

8. Minimized Cognitive Load: Marketing automation users often juggle multiple tasks simultaneously. A good interface design minimizes cognitive load by simplifying complex actions, reducing decision fatigue, and helping users stay focused.

Keep in mind that the Marketing Automation interface is just one of the applications that a business user keeps open all day long — with the Marketing Automation platform, an Email Client, an instant communication/presence platform like Slack, and multiple office productivity applications open all at the same time — the cognitive load needs to be managed so that one interface does not overwhelm the User so much that they abandon it simply out of cognitive overload.

9. Customizability: Every marketing team is unique, and so are their needs. A well-designed interface offers customization options, allowing users to tailor the software to their preferences and workflows. Many Clients at least customize the Logo used in their Marketing automation interface, with some doing additional customization to reflect brand colors, typefaces/fonts, and other features. An interface that can be customized to at least some extent can be very helpful toward continuing acceptance of a Marketing Automation platform. Aprimo Marketing is a platform that has supported this need for years and their YouTube channel is a great way to see their User Interface in action.

10. Accessibility: An inclusive interface design ensures that all users, including those with disabilities, can access and use the marketing automation software. Features like keyboard navigation and screen reader compatibility make the tool more accessible to a wider audience. For example Klaviyo is dedicated to making Emails and platform interfaces accessible both to Users and Recipients and this is a common emphasis across the board for Marketing Automation platforms.

Feel free to comment below and mention helpful interface features you have observed in your own day to day Marketing work.



Alex Nejako

Experience working with Marketers and Agencies to develop Campaign Creative, test, and launch successful multichannel Marketing Campaigns.