The Ultimate List of the Greatest Existentialist Films of All-Time

Existentialist cinema is all about the complexities of human existence. It explores themes like the search for meaning, freedom, intersubjectivity and the confrontation with an absurd or indifferent world. These films often challenge viewers to reflect on their own lives, questioning societal norms and the essence of what it means to live authentically.

Aneka B.


Photo by Anastasia Nelen on Unsplash

But what exactly is existentialism? Existentialism is a philosophical movement that emerged in the 19th and 20th centuries, emphasizing the individual’s experience, freedom, and the search for meaning in an often indifferent or absurd universe. At its core, existentialism posits that life has no inherent purpose, and it is up to each person to create their own meaning through choices and actions. This philosophy stresses the importance of personal responsibility and the acceptance of the inherent uncertainties and anxieties of existence. Existentialism often explores themes of alienation, freedom, and the consequences of living authentically versus conforming to societal norms. Thinkers such as Søren Kierkegaard, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Paul…



Aneka B.

Philosopher & Critic. I recommend movies & books here, but I do other stuff too: