When the bridges collapse, the balance returns to freedom.

Fernando Tozzi
3 min readAug 23, 2018

Balance is a very ancient theme, present from the beginning in every philosophy. According to Chinese thought everything is divided between the yin (black) and the yang (white), and represents a balance, a fluid and mysterious dosage of these two components.

When the bridges collapse something has gone wrong, the dosage of yin and yang is busted but the balance I’m talking about is not what the construction engineers are looking for, abstruse calculations or stability tests.

The balance of which I speak is that of an economic system in which the money managed by central banks is printed only to pay the state debts and keep the states afloat for the sole purpose of saving large investment funds that hold government bonds, and, mockery of hoax, are the same funds that also manage the motorway companies, and this is the result. The current economic system is too far from the «road» the bridges feeling their distance collapse! We are not just talking about the Morandi bridge, since 2011 it has been a succession of events. These events are a clear signal, like the temperature indicator in the car. The time comes to stop. A motorist, with a well-functioning engine, puts the water back and continues the journey. The fault is not of Morandi we speak of a bridge of 50 years, it takes a costly continuous maintenance. We Italians know how to do things well, for bridges and tunnels we are still required in the world. Here one must realize that it makes no sense to put water to walk a little longer. Just yesterday, the head of agi.it entitled «the Greek tragedy ended, the euro returns to balance» Reference to a possible strong eurozone inflation following the cut of the QE, a bit like saying that in the car we will go forward without water ...

An economic system far from the streets is sick, let’s not forget that the markets are on the streets. The streets should not float in the shadow of investment funds, on an unstable equilibrium, in the streets our arts must flourish, with this system on the street we only have flowers for our dead. The time has come to realize that the engine is broken and here they want to move forward without water. The alternative is under the eyes of everyone with the Blockchain we have the opportunity to develop infinite alternative economic systems. We already have several companies that allow us to obtain financing without being banks or financial institutions.

One of these bitbond, to assess the creditworthiness of a company, evaluates the contacts of the Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter accounts of the administrators an economic system should always evaluate the usefulness of what private individuals and companies propose and the best jury is always the crowd.

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Fernando Tozzi

Passionate about Blockchain and revolutionary economy. Founder : AWB Ltd Dindicash ICO (money revolution)