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Embracing Solopreneurship: My Journey to Becoming a Notion Template Creator

5 min readOct 22, 2023


In the fast-paced world of business, where collaboration and teamwork are often touted as keys to success, the concept of solopreneurship might seem like an outlier.

However, I am a firm believer that solopreneurship is the future of business, and in August 2023, I decided to put my belief into action by becoming a solopreneur myself.

In this blog post, I will share my journey of transitioning from a multi-business owner to a solopreneur, and how I found my passion in creating Notion templates to support fellow solopreneurs, freelancers, and entrepreneurs.

Here’s also a post on Twitter/X from me:

The Birth of a Solopreneur

As the owner of multiple businesses in Singapore, my days were filled with meetings, managing teams, and overseeing various aspects of these enterprises. While it was undoubtedly rewarding, I couldn’t ignore the nagging curiosity about solopreneurship. The idea of being the sole driver of a business, from ideation to execution, seemed both challenging and liberating.

In August 2023, I decided to embark on this solopreneurial journey as a side hustle. I was determined to learn what it takes to be a successful solopreneur. This meant stepping out of my comfort zone, leaving behind the support of partners and teams, and diving into the world of self-reliance.

The Solopreneurial Experience

The transition from a business owner to a solopreneur was not without its challenges. I went from delegating tasks to handling every aspect of my new venture. From market research and product development to marketing and customer support, I was the one-man show. The learning curve was steep, but the sense of ownership and the opportunity to experiment and innovate were immensely rewarding.

One key aspect of solopreneurship that truly resonated with me was the ability to maintain full creative control. I could implement my ideas without the need for consensus or bureaucracy. This autonomy allowed me to pivot and adapt quickly to changing market demands.

Discovering My Passion in Notion Templates

As a solopreneur, I soon found myself drawn to a particular niche — Notion templates. This is despite the fact that there are many many more digital products out there that we can consider as a solution. Notion, a popular productivity and note-taking app, had been a crucial part of my daily workflow for years. I realised that I could leverage my expertise in this tool to create templates that would benefit fellow solopreneurs, freelancers, and entrepreneurs.

My passion for Notion templates was fuelled by their versatility and the ability to streamline complex tasks. I set out to create templates that addressed common pain points faced by individuals running their businesses single-handedly. From project management to financial tracking and content planning, I aimed to provide practical solutions through my templates.

Keen to find out more about and use Notion? Here you go.

Impactful Notion Templates for Solopreneurs

I firmly believe that solopreneurs, freelancers, and entrepreneurs are a dynamic and growing community in today’s business landscape. They often face unique challenges that require innovative solutions. My mission is to create Notion templates that empower these individuals, making their professional lives more efficient and organized.

These Notion templates are not just about aesthetics; they are designed to be highly functional. Each template I create undergoes rigorous testing and refinement to ensure that it genuinely adds value to the users. The templates are tailored to specific needs, offering ready-to-use solutions for tasks that might otherwise be time-consuming and overwhelming.

Here are some of the many solutions that I have already created (most of them are totally free, so go ahead and get them):


My journey into solopreneurship has been both challenging and exhilarating. It has allowed me to explore my creative potential, develop a deeper understanding of Notion, and share valuable resources with a community I am deeply passionate about. As I continue to develop and refine Notion templates for solopreneurs, freelancers, and entrepreneurs, I am excited about the future of solopreneurship and the potential it holds for shaping the business landscape.

In the world of solopreneurship, the possibilities are endless, and my journey is just beginning. I invite you to join me on this adventure as we explore the limitless opportunities of being the sole employee and owner of our businesses, with the aim of creating a brighter and more efficient future for all solopreneurs, freelancers and even entrepreneurs.

About me

I’m a passionate solopreneur on a mission to help other solopreneurs get more done and earn more with Notion and AI! I believe solopreneurship is the future for many businesses, and I’m excited to help these independent go-getters thrive by leveraging the power of systems and AI.

Notion is my tool of choice because it’s a fantastic platform to build systems that streamline workflows and boost productivity. But there’s a learning curve, and that’s where I come in.

I wasn’t always a Notion whiz! In fact, when I first encountered it in 2019, I quickly got overwhelmed by its features. However, my experience running multiple businesses has taught me the importance of systems and efficiency. So, I doubled down on learning Notion, and now I use that knowledge to create user-friendly templates that help entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and freelancers get more done in less time.

My secret weapon? AI! I incorporate AI features into my Notion templates, giving users access to prompts and tools that can generate additional information and further enhance their productivity.

The results speak for themselves: my templates have helped numerous solopreneurs achieve incredible outcomes such as increased productivity. In just a few months, I’ve seen my own solo business flourish too, generating over $5,000 in revenue in Feb 2024 alone!

Learning and growing a business with tools I love is what excites me most! Let’s connect! Whether you’re a seasoned solopreneur or just starting out, I’m always happy to share my knowledge and help you leverage the power of Notion and AI for your success.

Till then, check out these resources…

Note: Just a heads up, this blog has some affiliate links. So, if you end up buying something using my link, I’ll get a small cut, but don’t worry, it won’t cost you any extra.




Helping more than 15,000 solopreneurs get more done and earn more with Notion and AI solutions | Writes about solopreneurship, productivity, Notion and AI.