Co-Jam session with Cheil Germany

Angela Garcia
3 min readNov 19, 2019


On the 14th and 15th of November, I attended a Co-Jam session organized by Cheil Germany. The training took place in a venue called Roof One Studio. Employees from all excellences of Cheil gathered for two days to explore tools of service design.

Connect is Cheil’s new strategic process for creating distinctive experiences, scalable platforms, and business innovations. It combines 21 project-proven methods and it brings principles of service design: human-centered mindset, co-creative sessions, and holistic approaches.

The topic for this CoJam session was the City of the Future. I had the opportunity to collaborate with five people from different departments and we experienced together some tools from the service design approach.

Problem exploration for the cities of the future

The first day was about problem exploration. We spend few hours discussing different challenges that cities of the future will face. Topics like mobility, 5G, food supply, space, and health were on the table.

We got introduce to a tool called Topic Pizza. This method is used to collect and display aspects of a topic. It helps to discover a new context and find a rough starting point to develop a new product or service.

After our ideation session, we decided to go for the food supply topic. By using the Topic Pizza tool we were able to understand different variables of this complex problem and by the end of the day we framed our challenge:

HMW provide citizens of the future with good quality food at an affordable price?

On day two we discuss the root of our problem. For this, we used a tool called The 3 Whys. This method helps to find out the cause-and-effect relationships and map out the system of causes that lead to the problem.

After long discussions, it was finally time to ideate. We brainstorm about solutions that could be potential business ideas for Cheil.

The Green Keepers — Business proposal for Cheil

Our proposal: A service that empowers citizens of the future to easily grow food at home while reducing their dependency on the food supply chain.

By the end of the day, each team had the opportunity to present the ideas they had worked on. The future of the cities in the hands of Cheil employees looks very promising. Most of the teams came up with innovative solutions that are based on collaborative ways of living.

As a design strategist, I’m excited to see how Cheil has started to prepare its employees on service design topics. The agency is aware that products should be now seen as services and that users are always looking for engaging experiences.

The fact that this events are taking now place in agencies like Cheil, shows the impact that service design methodologies are having on current markets and it proves that the role of designers in companies is evolving.

I would love to hear from you. If you have comments, questions, suggestions or just want to say hi, drop me a line:



