Angel Ernesto Anton YebraState and multiples reducersIf you are working with Redux, the state definition is a key task in the design of your application. Once the state is defined, the…Mar 31, 2019Mar 31, 2019
Angel Ernesto Anton YebraRx-ify the system APIs for better use and understanding!Async is everywhereJan 7, 2019Jan 7, 2019
Angel Ernesto Anton YebraCall async code using ReKotlin/ReSwiftOne of the most chocking ideas (at least for me) after adopt a Redux like pattern was that everything worked totally synchronous. The…Sep 24, 2018Sep 24, 2018
Angel Ernesto Anton YebraUnidirectional flow to tame the stateUnidirectional architectures are here to stay. Web development is full of successful cases based on Flux, Redux, Elm, React among others…Apr 1, 2018Apr 1, 2018
Angel Ernesto Anton YebraFastlane and Git working togetherFastlane is growing fast, it was bought by Fabric and again by Google (as a product of Fabric). In Fidesmo we’re totally fans of Fastlane…Feb 23, 2018Feb 23, 2018
Angel Ernesto Anton YebraSimple Swift tip #1: Deal with bad JSONImagine that in your new job, the RESTFul API that will be your friend in the next 6 months isn’t correctly designed. And you receive a…Oct 3, 2017Oct 3, 2017