§ Review § Love Will Last Forever 戀愛可以持續到天長地久 | Japanese Drama

Angela Lo
9 min readMay 28, 2020

“A story about a nurse who is as brave as a warrior defeats the doctor who is so strict that is even called devil.” A sweet love and comedic story combined with medical plots, adopted from Japanese comic, has an average 11.6% TV rating in Japan.


The female lead is Mone Kamishiraishi as Nanase Sakura and the male lead is Satoh Takeru as Kairi Tendo.

Story Abstract

When Sakura was on her graduation trip, she went to a temple and pray for her luck of love. Later, she met a fainted woman on the street. When she was yelling for help, Doctor Tendo just passed by and heard her voice, and he just saved the woman. The calm and gentle behavior of Tendo just melted Sakura’s heart and she believed that he was her Mr.right. From then on, she had claimed that she would study hard to be a nurse in the hospital where Tendo worked, not only to see him again but also to gain the ability to save people.

A few years later, she successfully became a nurse and she started to work in that hospital. At her first workday, she just came to Tendo and told him she liked him. However, Tendo’s attitude was totally different from before. He made a mean reply and thought she was just a newbie as a stumbling block. In fact, Tendo has no emotions toward everything and put all of his focus on his work. Also, he is so strict to his colleagues that people called him "devil". Because of Sakura’s brave behavior, it became a sensation in the whole hospital and everyone started to call her “warrior”. Therefore, a love story of the warrior working hard to pursue her love and career, and the cold-hearted devil just started.


✔ Love, medical, comedic combined together

The drama is a love story based on a medical theme with a comedic pace. Although the focal point is the romantic plots, the story is surrounded by some medical events together with some funny and comedic plots. Therefore, these elements make the story more abundant and creative.

✔ Daily but not monotonous

Most of the plots are very daily, but the actors performed are so vividly and naturally that it makes the story not monotonous. Besides, it can make people get into the story and feel the emotions quickly when watching.

✔ Compact and meticulous script

There are only 10 episodes, so the storytelling tempo is fast but clear. The script is compact that all of the scenes and lines are necessary for the story and have the meaning, but won’t overwhelm the audience at the same time. In addition, there will always be a subtle hint in each episode that can make the whole story more coherent and extraordinary.

✔ Unusual love story

Unlike the normal stories, there is neither plot like intrigue from supporting roles nor misunderstandings between the female and male lead. Due to this reason, it let the audience can watch without anger and anxiety but still can feel the dramatic tension. Besides, it also makes the audience can put more pure attention to the reactions between the female and male lead. Most of all, because of the nickname of these two people, it also creates another different and special atmosphere in this love story.

✔ Discussion about the reality

Apart from the love story, there are also some issues that will really happen in our daily lives and careers, making people feel more empathetic.

Elaboration of the love plots

ღ "The pain and fear of losing important people will always in my mind and never disappear. As a doctor, I won’t erase this feeling.”

Several years ago when Tendo was still an intern, he couldn’t rescue his girlfriend from the disease. He took it as his responsibility and decided to devote himself to his work, that is, to spare no efforts to heal all patients. Therefore, he simultaneously locked his feeling and emotions toward people in order not to be distracted by everything except for work.

ღ “I’ll make you smile again. Once you’re happy, I’ll also satisfied.”

Due to the passion of the warrior, Sakura, Tendo started to feel unusual because it’s been a long time for him to receive such a strong emotion from others. Most of all, Sakura wasn’t afraid of his cold attitude but try to realize his pain and show empathy instead. Therefore, her intention and warmth melted Tendo’s heart and also make him fall in love with her.

ღ “What you consider difficult is actually easy to defeat. The point is: ACT.”

There are definitely some troubles when someone is in love. For Sakura, because she was a rookie, she wasn’t that confident about her ability although she was called a warrior. She was worried that Tendo didn't regard her as a reliable assistant, and also thought that there might be someone who was more suitable for Tendo. But just because of the name of “warrior”, it will unconsciously give her brave to face all the difficulties and try to express her feelings to Tendo. As a result, the worries or misunderstandings could be dissolved without efforts and also made them closer to each other.

ღ “People who are in love would never be able to be calm with everything.”

Although Tendo was seemed not to be influenced by everything, he still cared about the competitors. Because of Sakura’s kind and warm personality, people would appeal to her easily, especially those who were suffered from internal agony, just like Tendo. However, although it would impact Tendo’s emotion, he still very believed in Sakura’s affection, so he didn’t feel angry or lose rationality. But because of the competitors, he also noticed that he should show more affection to her and treasured her more.

ღ “I’ve never dreamed to have the opportunity to date with you in the Ferris wheel. It’s the miracle that only accounts for 0.0001%.”

When Sakura made her first confession to Tendo, he said the probability of them becoming a couple was only 0.0001%. Eventually, they fell in love with each other, that is to say, although it’s only 0.0001%, it still had the chance to happen. Therefore, when Sakura was forced to leave Tendo, they went to play the bowling ball before she left. In Sakura’s last hit, the situation was hard to make a strike. She made a bet with Tendo, “if I make the strike, then we have to be with each other forever." Finally, she made it. Although she knew that the probability was very small, it seemed like she wanted to bet a hope or miracle for herself, despite she had decided to left and she knew that she would no longer stay with Tando.

ღ “If I don’t do that, I will regret it.”

If you don’t want to have regrets, you need to act anytime as you can. The way to make a relationship solid is to show your affection not only by behaviors but also by words. In addition, sometimes words are more important than actions. Actually, Tendo never said “I love you” to Sakura and also never mention the reason why he loved her, which make Sakura’s concern emerge. Although Tendo would show his affection by action, he seldom translated it into words because he had hidden his emotion for a very long time so that he felt awkward to show his feelings. But when Sakura was involved in a serious car accident, Tendo recalled the pain of losing the important person, and finally realized that he should be franker and should not ignore every opportunity to do something that can show his feelings because if he didn’t do that right away, he might lose the chance to do that forever. Therefore, after Sakura regained consciousness from three-day faint, Tendo made a long and true-hearted confession to show that how important Sakura was in his mind. After this event, Tendo no longer confined his emotion and start to be a little kinder to others. To sum up, the warrior really defeated the devil, not only got his heart but also retrieve the real him and his smile.

Elaboration of the medical plots

"There are lots of patients in hospitals. Patients mean sick people. The doctors deal with the sickness, and the nurses take care about people. That is to say, the responsibilities of all members in hospitals are not only to heal patients from sickness but also to support them to go on living.”

✉ Medical personnel need to face deaths

There will definitely some patients who cannot recover from sickness and finally leave the world. The medical personnel is who need to encounter this sorrow firstly, so they need to, cultivate a strong stress resistance and enhance their mental health so that they can still support other patients and give them power.

✉ The patients’ wills to survive

There is a patient with a very severe health situation in one episode, but she didn’t want to receive treatment unless she attended to her daughter’s wedding. This was her only hope in her entire life. If she couldn’t do that, she would have no willingness to go on living. Therefore, it’s also important to heal patients and help them achieve their only hopes in order to give them the motivation to recover from sickness and live longer.

✉ People will become subjective once something is related to themselves

In the workplace, it’s hard to stay objective when something will influence ourselves directly. When the manager’s son became the patient, the manager wanted her son could receive the most perfect and professional treatment from trustworthy personnel. Therefore, she didn’t assign Sakura to assist in this treatment because she was a rookie. However, this behavior would make Sakura lose the opportunity to practice and she won’t have the chance to improve her ability. Therefore, it’s important to find the balance between work responsibility and private intensions.

✉ Illness will also make patients’ mental health vulnerable

Suffering from illness for a long time will not only deteriorate patients’ physical health but also make mental health vulnerable. When receiving treatment, actually patients are tolerating an enormous pressure and tension that will need strong mental health to sustain these feelings. As a result, to help patients distract from these negative feelings and encourage them is a very important duty of nurses.

My Opinions

I love this drama so much that I watch it five times. Each time I watch, I have different feelings and notice lots of amazing the subtle plots that make the whole story more completed and coherent. Besides, the reaction between the main leads is really natural and both of the characters have strong fascinations that will make people want to keep watching their performance. The love story is also touching that can make people recall the sense of love. Based on all of the reasons above, I really recommend this drama! If you want to watch a good romantic story in a relaxed and happy mode, Love Will Last Forever is your best choice!

If you have seen this drama, or if you like this review, clap for me or leave comments to share your opinion! Thanks!:)



Angela Lo

Student in University of Melbourne/ From Taiwan / Dance, Workout, Travel, Marketing/ Share some reviews and travel record