Fantom Review 2024: Features + What is the Best Fantom Wallet, Bitget Wallet

Angela ML
11 min readMay 25, 2024

Fantom is a groundbreaking blockchain platform that's rapidly reshaping the landscape of decentralized applications. Designed with a laser focus on speed, scalability, and efficiency, Fantom is well-equipped to handle a wide array of use cases, from decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to other innovative applications yet to be imagined.

One of Fantom's standout features is its exceptional performance. By leveraging a unique directed acyclic graph (DAG) architecture combined with the Lachesis consensus mechanism, Fantom achieves near-instantaneous transaction finality and remarkably low fees. This makes it a practical and attractive choice for both developers building on the platform and users interacting with its dApps.

Scalability, a persistent challenge for many blockchains, is addressed head-on by Fantom. Its innovative design allows for the creation of independent yet interconnected blockchains, known as "operas." This architecture enables a high degree of scalability without compromising the security or decentralization that are fundamental to the blockchain ethos.

The growing ecosystem surrounding Fantom is a testament to its potential. Developers are increasingly drawn to the platform, building a diverse range of decentralized applications that capitalize on Fantom's speed, affordability, and interoperability. Whether you're exploring the world of DeFi, collecting NFTs, delving into blockchain gaming, or seeking other cutting-edge applications, Fantom's ecosystem has something to offer.

What is the Fantom Ecosystem?

At the heart of Fantom lies Fantom Opera, the mainnet chain where the magic happens. Opera serves as the foundation for a thriving ecosystem of decentralized applications (dApps) that leverage Fantom's unique architecture and capabilities.

Fantom's architecture is distinguished by its use of independent yet interconnected blockchains, known as "operas." Each opera functions autonomously, with its own set of validators and consensus mechanisms, ensuring high throughput and security. However, these operas are not isolated; they can seamlessly communicate and share data through Fantom's innovative cross-chain communication protocol. This interconnectedness enables a rich and diverse ecosystem where dApps can interact and complement each other.

Key Projects and dApps in the Fantom Ecosystem:

The Fantom ecosystem is a hotbed of innovation, with a wide array of projects and dApps spanning various categories.

DeFi (Decentralized Finance)

  • Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs): SpookySwap, SpiritSwap, Beethoven X, and Curve Finance provide users with the ability to trade cryptocurrencies without intermediaries, often with lower fees and greater flexibility than centralized exchanges.
  • Lending/Borrowing Platforms: Scream and Geist Finance allow users to lend their crypto assets to earn interest or borrow against them, opening up new avenues for financial activity.
  • Yield Aggregators: Beefy Finance and Yearn Finance automate the process of maximizing yield on deposited assets, making it easier for users to earn passive income.

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)

  • Marketplaces: PaintSwap and Artion are popular platforms where users can buy, sell, and trade unique digital assets like art, collectibles, and in-game items.
  • Art Projects: The Fantom NFT space is home to a vibrant community of artists and creators showcasing their digital artwork and exploring new forms of creative expression.
  • Gaming Applications: Several projects are leveraging Fantom's speed and low costs to create immersive blockchain gaming experiences that incorporate NFTs.

Other Notable Projects

  • Cross-Chain Bridges: Multichain and AnySwap enable the seamless transfer of assets between Fantom and other blockchains, expanding the reach of Fantom's ecosystem.
  • Infrastructure Tools: The Graph and Covalent provide indexing and querying services for blockchain data, making it easier for developers to build dApps on Fantom.
  • Stablecoins: fUSD is a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar, providing stability and reducing volatility for users within the Fantom ecosystem.

This is just a glimpse into the dynamic and ever-evolving world of the Fantom ecosystem. As the platform continues to grow and mature, we can expect to see even more innovative and exciting projects emerge, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the blockchain space.

What is the FTM Token?

The FTM token is the lifeblood of the Fantom ecosystem, serving as its native cryptocurrency and playing a crucial role in its operation and governance. Just as ether (ETH) powers the Ethereum network, FTM is the fuel that drives transactions and interactions on Fantom.

Primary Use Cases of FTM:

FTM has a multifaceted role within the Fantom ecosystem, with three primary use cases:

  1. Fees: FTM is used to pay for transaction fees on the Fantom network. Each transaction, whether it's sending FTM to another wallet, interacting with a smart contract, or minting an NFT, requires a small amount of FTM to be paid as a fee. These fees incentivize validators to process transactions and secure the network.
  2. Staking: FTM holders can participate in securing the Fantom network through staking. By locking up their FTM tokens as collateral, they contribute to the consensus mechanism and earn rewards in return. Staking not only helps to secure the network but also plays a role in determining which validators get to create new blocks and earn transaction fees.
  3. Governance: FTM is the governance token for Fantom, giving holders a voice in the decision-making process. Through on-chain voting, FTM holders can propose and vote on changes to the network's parameters, upgrades, and other important matters. This decentralized governance model ensures that the future of Fantom is shaped by its community.

Total and Circulating Supply:

The total supply of FTM is capped at 3.175 billion tokens. As of May 21, 2024, the circulating supply is approximately 2.54 billion FTM. The remaining tokens are gradually being released through staking rewards and other mechanisms, following a predetermined schedule.

The FTM token is not just a means of payment; it's a key component of Fantom's decentralized ecosystem. It empowers users to participate in network operations, earn rewards, and have a say in the platform's future direction. The diverse use cases of FTM contribute to its value and utility within the Fantom community and the broader cryptocurrency landscape.

What Wallets Support Fantom Tokens?

Choosing the right wallet is essential for securely storing and managing your FTM tokens. Fortunately, there's a wide array of options available, catering to different preferences and security needs.

For pioneering blockchain projects like Fantom, a wallet that embraces innovation and supports a wide range of emerging technologies is crucial. Look no further than Bitget Wallet – trusted by millions worldwide, Bitget Wallet is your ideal choice, whether you're on iOS, Android, or prefer a sleek Chrome extension. It offers top-notch asset management designed to make your crypto journey as smooth as possible.

But Bitget Wallet isn't just about security and ease of use! As the Fantom ecosystem develops, Bitget Wallet's commitment to cutting-edge technology makes it an ideal platform to explore the possibilities of Proof of Luck and its potential applications. Stay ahead of the curve with Bitget Wallet's secure, intuitive, and powerful features designed to support your exploration of the next generation of blockchain

Bitget Wallet: Your Gateway to the Fantom Ecosystem

If you're looking for a comprehensive and user-friendly wallet to interact with the Fantom ecosystem, look no further than Bitget Wallet. Bitget Wallet is a multi-chain crypto wallet that allows you to store, send, receive, and even swap FTM tokens with ease. It offers a seamless experience for both beginners and experienced users, making it an excellent choice for those venturing into the world of Fantom.

Key Advantages of Bitget Wallet:

  • Intuitive Interface: Bitget Wallet's sleek and intuitive design makes it easy to navigate and manage your FTM holdings.
  • Secure Storage: Your FTM tokens are securely stored within Bitget Wallet, with robust security measures in place to protect your assets.
  • Seamless Trading: Bitget Wallet integrates with the Bitget exchange, allowing you to conveniently trade FTM and other cryptocurrencies directly from your wallet.
  • Multi-Chain Support: In addition to FTM, Bitget Wallet supports a wide range of other cryptocurrencies, making it a versatile tool for managing your entire crypto portfolio.

No matter which wallet you choose, it's crucial to prioritize security and choose a reputable provider. Always keep your private keys and seed phrases confidential, enable two-factor authentication, and be vigilant against phishing scams. By taking these precautions, you can ensure that your FTM tokens remain safe and secure as you explore the exciting possibilities of the Fantom ecosystem.

How to Buy FTM tokens on Bitget Wallet?

Bitget offers a convenient and straightforward way to acquire FTM tokens directly within its platform beginning with creating a FTM token wallet and purchasing the tokens.

How to Create a FTM Wallet in Bitget Wallet

  1. Create or import a wallet.
  2. Navigate to the "Wallet" page and choose "FANTOM" from the mainnet list on the top right corner.
  3. Return to the home page of Bitget Wallet to view the added mainnet and FTM token.

You can also use our OTC feature to buy USDT/USDC with fiat currency and swap for other tokens.

How to buy FTM tokens?

You can use the OTC service in Bitget Wallet to purchase cryptocurrency, such as USDT, USDC, or FTM, with fiat currency. Bitget OTC service accepts Visa, ApplePay, GooglePay, and USD credit cards:

  1. Select "OTC" on the Bitget Wallet homepage.
  2. Select “USDT” or other tokens you wish to purchase, e.g., USDT on the Polygon network.
  3. After payment, you will see the purchased USDT on the Bitget Wallet homepage.
  4. Tap the “Swap” button and swap from USDT to FTM. Enter the amount to swap.
  5. Tap “Confirm”. Once the transaction is completed, you will see the swapped FTM on the Bitget Wallet homepage.

Isq Fantom Tokens Wallet Safe?

The safety of your FTM tokens largely depends on the wallet you choose and how you manage it. Fantom itself is a secure blockchain with robust cryptographic measures in place, but your wallet serves as the gateway to your assets, and its security is paramount.

Fantom-compatible wallets, like Bitget Wallet, employ various security measures to protect your FTM tokens. These may include:

  • Encryption: Your private keys, the cryptographic keys that control your tokens, are encrypted within the wallet to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Secure Seed Phrases: Most wallets generate a seed phrase (a series of words) that can be used to recover your wallet and assets in case of loss or damage. It's essential to keep this seed phrase confidential and secure.
  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): 2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring a code from your mobile device or another source in addition to your password when accessing your wallet.

Regardless of the wallet you choose, following these best practices can significantly enhance the security of your FTM tokens:

  • Strong Passwords: Create strong, unique passwords for your wallet and other online accounts. Avoid using easily guessable passwords or reusing the same password across multiple platforms.
  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Always enable 2FA whenever possible. This provides an additional layer of protection against unauthorized access.
  • Hardware Wallets: For maximum security, consider using a hardware wallet like Ledger or Trezor. These devices keep your private keys offline, making them virtually immune to hacking attempts.
  • Phishing Awareness: Be extremely cautious of phishing scams. Never share your private keys or seed phrase with anyone, and be wary of suspicious emails, messages, or websites that may attempt to trick you into revealing your sensitive information.
  • Reputable Wallet Providers: Choose wallets from reputable providers with a proven track record of security. Research the wallet thoroughly before using it and read reviews from other users.

By adhering to these best practices and selecting a trusted wallet provider, you can confidently store and manage your FTM tokens, knowing that your assets are well-protected. Remember, security is an ongoing process, so stay informed about the latest threats and updates in the crypto space to keep your FTM tokens safe.

Are Fantom Tokens Wallets Free?

In most cases, yes! The majority of software and mobile wallets designed for Fantom tokens are free to download and use. This includes popular options like fWallet (Fantom's official wallet), Trust Wallet, and MetaMask. These wallets typically generate revenue through other means, such as partnerships or premium features.

However, there's an important distinction to be made regarding hardware wallets. These physical devices, like Ledger and Trezor, offer the highest level of security for your FTM tokens by storing your private keys offline. Due to their specialized hardware and enhanced security features, hardware wallets come with a purchase cost. The price can vary depending on the model and brand, but it's an investment worth considering if you prioritize the utmost security for your crypto assets.

It's also crucial to note that while the wallets themselves might be free, using the Fantom network to send or receive transactions incurs transaction fees. These fees, paid in FTM, are generally quite low compared to other blockchains but are necessary to incentivize validators and maintain the network's security and operation.

So, while the wallets themselves are mostly free (except for hardware wallets), remember to factor in the cost of transaction fees when using the Fantom network. These fees are a small price to pay for the speed, scalability, and security that Fantom offers.

How to Get Fantom Tokens from Private Key

Before delving into the process, it's crucial to understand that private keys are the most sensitive piece of information in the crypto world. Your private key is essentially your digital signature, granting you complete control over your FTM tokens. If your private key is lost, stolen, or compromised, your funds could be irretrievably lost. Therefore, handling private keys requires extreme caution and responsibility.

Importing a Private Key into Bitget Wallet

If you have a private key for a Fantom wallet, you can import it into Bitget Wallet to access your FTM tokens. The process varies slightly depending on the specific wallet you're using, but generally involves the following steps:

  1. Open Bitget Wallet: Launch the Bitget Wallet app on your mobile device or access it through the web interface.
  2. Navigate to "My Wallet": Tap on the "My Wallet" tab at the top left of the screen.
  3. Select "Add a Wallet": Tap the "Add a Wallet" button to begin the import process.
  4. Choose Import Method: Select "Private Key" as the import method.
  5. Enter Private Key: Carefully enter or paste your private key into the provided field. Double-check for accuracy, as any errors could result in the loss of your tokens.
  6. Confirm Import: Review the details and confirm the import. Your FTM tokens should now appear in your Bitget Wallet.

It cannot be stressed enough: never share your private key with anyone. Legitimate wallet providers and services will never ask for your private key. If someone asks for it, it's almost certainly a scam. The only person who should ever know your private key is you. Treat it with the utmost confidentiality and store it in a safe and secure location.


Fantom is rapidly emerging as a formidable contender in the blockchain arena. Its focus on speed, scalability, and low costs, coupled with its innovative DAG architecture and Lachesis consensus mechanism, make it a compelling platform for developers and users alike.

The growing ecosystem of dApps on Fantom, spanning DeFi, NFTs, gaming, and other sectors, demonstrates the platform's versatility and potential for widespread adoption. With its native FTM token playing a central role in network operations, governance, and staking, Fantom empowers its community to actively participate in shaping the platform's future.

While the crypto landscape is constantly evolving, Fantom's commitment to innovation, performance, and user-friendliness positions it well for continued growth and success. Whether you're a seasoned crypto enthusiast or a newcomer exploring the possibilities of blockchain technology, Fantom offers a dynamic and exciting ecosystem worth exploring.

As with any investment or technological endeavor, it's important to conduct thorough research and exercise caution. Understand the risks involved, choose secure wallets like Bitget Wallet, and stay informed about the latest developments in the Fantom ecosystem. With careful consideration and responsible participation, Fantom can open up a world of opportunities in the decentralized future.

