Knowledgeable workers are often the core of your organization

angela alma
2 min readJan 31, 2017


The term ‘knowledgeable worker’ is slightly provocative. Some people are uncomfortable saying that some employees use knowledge and others don’t, for example: marketing team members are knowledge workers, and production staff is not.” Statements like this may create the impression that some workers are better than others. Inspite, you could say that all work is “knowledge work”, to a greater or lesser extent.

At basic level, knowledge work is often the source of new ideas. So, to get the most from your knowledgeable employees, and to create workplace where new ideas can flow and flourish, follow these basic leadership and management practices. They will help you build trust, and improve the link between the work your knowledgeable employees do and your business success. This may help to create the competitive advantage.

Link Technology to Knowledge

There is a great amount of knowledge out there, and new discoveries are made every day. Knowledgeable employees have to use technology to keep track of everything they need to know. They don’t have to produce everything themselves, or waste time in search of information that may or may not exist. As a leader, make sure your knowledgeable workers have access to suitable technology. Simply providing the technology is not enough, Need to train people to use the technology. Discover ways to provide the right technology, and make sure knowledgeable workers use it.

Manage Knowledge

Develop approach to manage knowledge within an organization. It helps to provide workspaces where knowledgeable employees can share and cooperate with their colleagues.

Be a Coach Not a ‘Boss’

As a leader, you are accountable for things like budgeting and scheduling and this takes you further away from undertaking things yourself. To maintain knowledge workers belief and respect, stay aware of the work they doing, and coach them.

Bosses of knowledgeable workers are often knowledge workers themselves. This makes the role of coach vital. Improve a coaching relationship in which you give knowledgeable workers the freedom and backing they need to do their work.

So as a manager you can cope with knowledgeable employees by using effective software to monitor their performance. PeopleQlik HR recruitment and talent management software give best platform for human resource management.

