Do Cardinals Represent Lost Loved Ones

Angela Backler
7 min readNov 12, 2023


I’ve always wondered if cardinals represent lost loved ones. It’s a comforting thought that these vibrant birds could be messengers from beyond.

Exploring the cultural, spiritual, and personal significance of cardinals offers a sense of connection and solace.

Join me as we delve into the various perspectives and find ways to honor and remember our loved ones through the symbolism of these beautiful creatures.

Do Cardinals Represent Lost Loved Ones

Historical and Cultural Symbolism

I believe that examining the historical and cultural symbolism of cardinals provides insight into their representation of lost loved ones.

Throughout history, cardinals have been associated with qualities such as love, hope, and guidance.

In many cultures, seeing a cardinal after someone passes, is seen as a messenger from the spirit world, bringing comfort and reassurance to those who’ve lost someone dear to them.

The bright red plumage of the male cardinal has long been linked to vitality and life, symbolizing the enduring presence of loved ones who’ve passed away.

Furthermore, the cardinal’s distinctive call is often interpreted as a message from beyond, a reminder that our departed loved ones are still with us in spirit.

Understanding these historical and cultural connections deepens our appreciation for the cardinal as a symbol of hope and connection to those we’ve lost.

Spiritual Interpretations and Beliefs

I’ve always been intrigued by the spiritual interpretations and beliefs surrounding cardinals.

Many people see cardinals as messengers from the spiritual realm, conveying messages or reminders from lost loved ones.

The symbolism in spirituality and the personal experiences shared by individuals are fascinating aspects to explore in understanding the significance of cardinals.

Cardinal as Messenger

Believers often interpret the sighting of a cardinal as a message from a lost loved one.

For those who hold this belief, the cardinal is seen as a messenger from the spiritual realm, bringing comfort and reassurance from the other side.

It’s a powerful symbol of hope and connection, serving as a reminder that our loved ones are always with us in spirit.

The vibrant red plumage of the cardinal is thought to represent the blood of Christ, adding a layer of religious significance to its role as a messenger.

Whether it’s a fleeting glimpse or a persistent presence, the cardinal’s appearance is seen as a gentle nudge from beyond, a loving reminder that we’re never truly alone.

This spiritual interpretation of the cardinal’s presence is deeply comforting for many, offering solace in times of grief and uncertainty.

As we delve into the symbolism in spirituality, it’s important to explore the broader significance of the cardinal as a spiritual messenger.

Symbolism in Spirituality

The cardinal’s presence holds deep spiritual significance for many, symbolizing comfort and connection with the spiritual realm.

In various spiritual traditions, it’s believed that the cardinal carries messages from the divine or serves as a reminder of the presence of loved ones who’ve passed on.

This symbolism is often associated with the vibrant red color of the cardinal, which is seen as a representation of life, love, and vitality.

Many people find solace and reassurance in encountering a cardinal, interpreting it as a sign that their departed loved ones are watching over them.

The cardinal’s appearance is seen as a spiritual connection, offering a sense of peace and a reminder that our loved ones are never truly gone.

This belief in the cardinal’s spiritual symbolism brings comfort and hope to those who hold it dear.

Personal Experiences Shared

a vibrant red cardinal

Experiencing the unexpected visit of a cardinal always brings a sense of comfort and connection with the spiritual realm, reinforcing the belief in the presence of departed loved ones.

I vividly remember a day when I was feeling low, missing my grandmother terribly.

As I sat in the garden, a vibrant red cardinal perched itself on a nearby branch, peering directly at me.

At that moment, a wave of warmth and peace washed over me, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that it was my grandmother reaching out to let me know she was watching over me.

Since then, every cardinal sighting feels like a gentle reminder that our departed loved ones are never truly gone and that they continue to surround us with their love and guidance.

These personal experiences and testimonials beautifully illustrate the profound impact of cardinal visitations on individuals’ spiritual beliefs and connections.

Personal Experiences and Testimonials

When I saw a cardinal perched on my windowsill on the morning of my grandmother’s birthday, it felt like a comforting sign.

I’ve heard many similar stories from friends and family about cardinal sightings during important moments.

The emotional impact of these encounters is powerful, and I believe it’s important to share these experiences.

Cardinal Visitations Meaning

During my most difficult times, I’ve found solace in the frequent and unexpected visits of cardinals, which I believe to be messages from my lost loved ones.

1. Comfort: The sight of a cardinal brings me a sense of comfort and reassurance as if my loved ones are reaching out to me in times of need.

2. Hope: Seeing a cardinal reminds me that my loved ones are watching over me, filling me with hope and optimism for the future.

3. Connection: The cardinal’s presence creates a feeling of connection as if my loved ones are letting me know they’re still with me in spirit.

4. Guidance: I often interpret the cardinal’s visit as a sign that my loved ones are guiding me through life’s challenges, providing a sense of direction and support.

These personal experiences have reinforced my belief in the meaningfulness of cardinal visitations and their connection to lost loved ones.

Shared Cardinal Sighting Stories

I often hear touching stories from others about their encounters with cardinals, each one reaffirming the comforting and hopeful connection these sightings bring in times of loss.

One friend shared how a cardinal always appears outside her window on significant dates, like her late mother’s birthday.

Another told me about the cardinal that perches near their home every time they miss their departed pet.

These encounters provide solace, a sense of presence, and a reminder that love endures beyond physical boundaries.

One particularly moving account came from a woman who spotted a cardinal on the day of her father’s funeral, a sight she interpreted as a message of love and reassurance.

These shared stories underscore the profound impact of cardinal sightings on those who’ve experienced loss, demonstrating the emotional significance and healing power they hold.

Emotional Impact of Sightings

Experiencing heartfelt encounters with cardinals has frequently brought solace and reassurance to those coping with loss, including myself.

The emotional impact of these sightings goes beyond mere symbolism; it’s about the profound comfort they bring.

Here’s how these sightings have affected me and others:

1. Validation: The sight of a cardinal can feel like a sign that our loved ones are still with us in some form.

2. Hope: It’s a reminder that life goes on, and there’s beauty and resilience even in the face of loss.

3. Connection: Seeing a cardinal can evoke a sense of connection to the departed loved one, providing a feeling of closeness.

4. Healing: The emotional uplift from these sightings can aid in the healing process, allowing for moments of peace and reflection in the midst of grief.

These encounters hold deep emotional significance, offering a sense of peace and connection in times of heartache.

Scientific and Ornithological Perspectives

From a scientific and ornithological perspective, the belief that cardinals represent lost loved ones isn’t supported by empirical evidence.

While cardinals hold symbolic meanings in various cultures and belief systems, there is no scientific data to suggest that they serve as messengers from the afterlife.

Ornithologists study bird behaviors, communication, and ecology, and their research doesn’t align with the notion of cardinals carrying spiritual messages.

Birds, including cardinals, play vital roles in ecosystems, and their behaviors are shaped by evolutionary and environmental factors rather than spiritual symbolism.

It’s important to approach the topic of cardinals and lost loved ones with an open mind, acknowledging the emotional significance they hold for many individuals, while also considering the lack of scientific evidence supporting their role as messengers of the deceased.

Ways to Honor and Remember

One way to honor and remember lost loved ones is by creating a memorial garden in their honor. It’s a beautiful and peaceful way to pay tribute to their memory.

Here are some ideas for creating a meaningful memorial garden:

1. Plant Their Favorite Flowers: Choose flowers or plants that hold significance for your loved one. It could be their favorite colors, fragrances, or varieties.

2. Add Personal Touches: Incorporate personalized stepping stones, engraved garden markers, or decorative items that remind you of them.

3. Create a Sitting Area: Place a bench or a comfortable chair in the garden, providing a serene spot for reflection and remembrance.

4. Host Regular Gatherings: Organize family and friends to come together in the garden for special occasions or just to reminisce and celebrate the life of your loved one.

Creating a memorial garden allows for a peaceful and personal way to honor and remember those who’ve passed.

Finding Comfort and Meaning

Finding comfort and meaning in the midst of grief can provide solace and healing as I continue to honor and remember my lost loved ones.

When I see a cardinal, I find a sense of peace and connection. It’s as if the bird is a reminder that my loved one is still with me in spirit, offering comfort and support.

The cardinal’s vibrant red color brings a sense of warmth and reassurance, a beautiful symbol of love and hope.

It’s not about whether or not the cardinal truly represents my loved one, but rather the meaning and comfort it brings to me in my time of need.

Embracing these moments of solace allows me to find strength and continue the journey of healing, cherishing the memories, and finding meaning in the signs around me.


Cardinals aren’t just birds, they’re messengers from the beyond, bringing comfort and hope to those who’ve lost loved ones.

They’re the embodiment of our cherished memories and a symbol of eternal love.

Every sighting is a miraculous connection to the other side, a sign that our dear departed are watching over us. Embrace the cardinal’s presence and find solace in the belief that our loved ones are never truly gone.



Angela Backler

I’m living the mission of helping people to embrace their spiritual enlightenment!