Remember that tweet?

Angela F Orviz
2 min readJun 10, 2020


Over a week ago, service designer @kirsty_joan invited comments and contributions on some of the topics she wants to write about, which included:

Building up the service design expertise in Scottish public services (both the designers themselves, and the people they work alongside)

Kirsty’s tweets served as a catalyst for exchanging ideas and aspirations — thanks Kirsty! Those discussions are starting to shape into a wee interview study, and we would love to have your thoughts and contributions.

The Service Design community in Scotland is strengthening, nurtured by some fantastic people and initiatives. It is exciting to see a growing network of like-minded people who want to make positive social change through service design. As a community, we hold great insight into what works, what doesn’t, in what contexts, and what is missing.

We have teamed up to collect stories — from service design, public and third sector practitioners — to explore what we have learnt, where we are, and where we want to go.

Stéphanie Krus and myself are planning to undertake interviews with key people in the field, as well as have an online questionnaire to allow wider participation in the community. Our questions explore

  • current practice and learning,
  • how we build skills and collaborations, and
  • where, as a community, we should concentrate our efforts to advance our practice and networks.

At this early stage, there are a few ways you can contribute!

Get in touch!

On twitter: @StephanieKrus and @Artmadillo

Or on the Service Design Scotland Slack— Nor on there yet? Join using this link.

Help us gathering practitioners’ stories and making sense of insights!



Angela F Orviz

Design researcher & service design consultant in public sector @Artmadillo collaboration . capacity building . org complexity . social design